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WP banned Garang Guni from horning, how to do business like that?


Alfrescian (Inf)
If the PAP TC were to ban the horning the respond here will be very different :wink::
So you concede your header was 'tit for tat', or jumping on the bandwagon with frivolous views to suit your (opposite) agenda? And you shd know the flak you getting. Roger and out:rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
On the contrary, I am delighted again that these group of ppl show their hypocrisy of wanting to help the poor who collected cardboard for living :smile:
The 'poor' you are refering to are PRC FT to steal rice bowl from Sinkees.

Me wonder how you got recruited by pappies??? surely they have some kind of IQ test right?


On the contrary, I am delighted again that these group of ppl show their hypocrisy of wanting to help the poor who collected cardboard for living :smile:

You are a very confused man. The poor aunties who collect cardboards for a living do not sound a horn. Those who sound horns are garang guni business men and some of them drive Mercedes.


I have to fully support WP actions in banning using the horn or the bell to drum up attention.

Babies need their sleep. Even shift workers need to sleep. Imagine you having to work tonite but at 5pm some asshole karung guni man horns and horns and horns.

Many times I've been tempted to throw a flower pot down. Bastards these idiots have no common sense.

Why can't they just put notices on the lift landings and their phone numbers.

I who normally dislike corporatisation of businesses for once hope that the rag and bone waste collection can be nationalised


I applaud the effort by WP. These rag and bone men are irritants, especially during Sunday morning. It's definitely noise pollution. It was a suggestion that I put up 10 years ago to the Town Council, but nobody bothered. I even went as far as writing to HDB to get them to install automatic barrier at the carpark to discourage these kpkb from driving their vehicles into the carpark.

A first in Singapore and that too initiated by the Workers Party. Wow.............

Kudos to the WORKERS PARTY for giving this real PIA (pain in the a...) a boot from your constituency.

I lived in a PAP estate. These pests are not only from PRC, they also are from Batam, Tg Pinang and Malaysia.

I have complained many times about their KPKB every Sundays but none in the Town Council took heed.

So many complaints in reach.gov.sg but so far NATO (you know what hor...)

Well done Workers Party. You finally brought peace to your areas.

Hope more areas will come under your control in 2016

This is a true CHANGE.



A first in Singapore and that too initiated by the Workers Party. Wow.............

Kudos to the WORKERS PARTY for giving this real PIA (pain in the a...) a boot from your constituency.

I lived in a PAP estate. These pests are not only from PRC, they also are from Batam, Tg Pinang and Malaysia.

I have complained many times about their KPKB every Sundays but none in the Town Council took heed.

So many complaints in reach.gov.sg but so far NATO (you know what hor...)

Well done Workers Party. You finally brought peace to your areas.

Hope more areas will come under your control in 2016

This is a true CHANGE.

Maybe this can be offered as a "carrot" to PAP wards come GE 2016.

Vote WP for peace of mind.

And I'd really love to see key card system installed at HDB blocks in Opposition wards, just like what we often see in HK drama.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If the PAP TC were to ban the horning the respond here will be very different :wink::rolleyes:

Post-GE2012 you lost your exclusive rights to sell in funeral blankets in Aljunied GRC, now, after Hougang BE, another one of your business kenna threatened.

One by one, your bottom-feeding income opportunities are being eroded.


Many times I've been tempted to throw a flower pot down. Bastards these idiots have no common sense.

Please don't do that brother. There is a law on "killer-litter" in this country.

One gentemen missed some dumb-bells thrown from a high floor in the East many thousand moons ago.

He received so much publicity that he later became an MP and then went on to become a Minister of State.

He is still living and lately cried so much when an old singer died.

I am sure you know who he is......

If you resort to such a tactic (killer litter) on such a PIA, chances are that he will cry, his country of origin will demand justice and he will go back as a rich man just like Huang Na's mother and many more from overseas.

The easy cure is for you to vote for the Workers Party and your problem will become a thing of the past.

PS: PAP MIW do not know this as they all stay in private properties - some of them in truly serene estates where you can even hear the crickets in the mid-day...


Alfrescian (Inf)
The garang guni men could be send by Desmond Choo to distrub the peace in Hougang. There is nothing a loser will not do out of vengeance. Even if it was not created by Desmond, I have never trusted PAP to be clean.


Maybe this can be offered as a "carrot" to PAP wards come GE 2016.

Vote WP for peace of mind.

And I'd really love to see key card system installed at HDB blocks in Opposition wards, just like what we often see in HK drama.

I cannot but fully agree with you.

Let there be a change initiated by these move to ban karang-gunis.

Peace will come soon. Long live the peace-loving and hardworking Singaporeans.

Others use the Arab Spring. let us do it thru karang-gunis....


Alfrescian (Inf)
Fuck you RonRon, you pro-PAP shill-tard.

Well done. Swift response to residents' complaints.
And karung guni men should do their business the traditional way: start from the top floor, shout 'KARANG GUNIIIIII' and move down every floor.
Most HDB estates have lifts that stop on each floor now. There should be no complaints.


The PAP govt will not retrench employees of their GLC companies But they will sell the departments and services to a private and usually a foreign company who then proceed to retrench them.

When the PM's illustrious wife in her very first foray purchased Micropolis and lost $340m in closing it down, the Thai staff of Micropolis got one month more in retrenchment benefit than Singapore staff.

NTUC after 50 years suddenly realised that they had to protect Simgapore workers and decided to draw up a guideline for cleaners wages but still no balls to set the minimum. And when you talk to them, they will tell you that they negotiate day and night with employers, never sleep, pressurise the employer and all behind close doors. I told the wife of one of their Directors that I heard that your husband never sleeps, late nights etc. She looked at me mystified.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Are you referring to that dumbfuck who was 'in a hurry' that he left the dumb bells there instead of handing over to the police for fingerprints?
The dumb bells went missing after that, missing on the chance to catch the culprit.

Back to garang guni....this move shows that WP is in tuned with the ground and implement things that residents wants.
One of the factors that made me dislike staying in HDB flats are these noisy garang gunis, unsolicited salesmen, incense burners and void deck marriages and funerals (nothing racist or anti-religious)....I am just a guy who likes peace and quietness when I am home.

Please don't do that brother. There is a law on "killer-litter" in this country.

One gentemen missed some dumb-bells thrown from a high floor in the East many thousand moons ago.

He received so much publicity that he later became an MP and then went on to become a Minister of State.

He is still living and lately cried so much when an old singer died.

I am sure you know who he is......

If you resort to such a tactic (killer litter) on such a PIA, chances are that he will cry, his country of origin will demand justice and he will go back as a rich man just like Huang Na's mother and many more from overseas.

The easy cure is for you to vote for the Workers Party and your problem will become a thing of the past.

PS: PAP MIW do not know this as they all stay in private properties - some of them in truly serene estates where you can even hear the crickets in the mid-day...


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


读者看到实龙岗中路第202座组屋附近停车场,出现多个“No Loud Horn”(禁止鸣笛)告示牌,感觉很好奇,热线通知《联合晚报》。



hi there

1. ronny, you are some bizman, i believe.
2. there are more effective method for the rag & bone guy to ply its services in public housing.
3. a specific day & location for location for a start.
4. get it now!
5. you don't need some big horn to blow yourself out.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The PAP govt will not retrench employees of their GLC companies But they will sell the departments and services to a private and usually a foreign company who then proceed to retrench them.

When the PM's illustrious wife in her very first foray purchased Micropolis and lost $340m in closing it down, the Thai staff of Micropolis got one month more in retrenchment benefit than Singapore staff.

NTUC after 50 years suddenly realised that they had to protect Simgapore workers and decided to draw up a guideline for cleaners wages but still no balls to set the minimum. And when you talk to them, they will tell you that they negotiate day and night with employers, never sleep, pressurise the employer and all behind close doors. I told the wife of one of their Directors that I heard that your husband never sleeps, late nights etc. She looked at me mystified.

hi there

1. bro, such specimen is just toothless & ueseless.
2. guidelines are simply not mandatory.
3. why make it in the first place?
4. seems to be working on it, right!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You are a very confused man. The poor aunties who collect cardboards for a living do not sound a horn. Those who sound horns are garang guni business men and some of them drive Mercedes.

hi there

1. bro, spot on!
2. i guess ronny wants to use the horn thing too to peddle its blanket biz on sheepishland.
3. hahahaha!