Iran can't fight. If I am Israel, I openly challenge these fucktards to invade Israel. Shortly after giving out the press conference.
Send a few squadron of f35 and F16 and send in b52 bomber and shell a few important Iranian city out.
Iran can't fight. If I am Israel, I openly challenge these fucktards to invade Israel. Shortly after giving out the press conference.
Send a few squadron of f35 and F16 and send in b52 bomber and shell a few important Iranian city out.
Persia is on the defensive mode cos being threatened by US n allies including Israel. No fault of Persia if latter were to retaliate.
Let their Hala blood bleed to the last drop.
Iran can flatten entire Zionist entity within less than a hour.
Don't fall for the hype.
When the hell did Zionist dare to conduct airstrike or missile strike on Iran? You think it's because of Zionist generosity they don't strike Iran?
Didn't Iran show a small teeeeeeeeennny tiiiiiiiiiiinny glimpse of its mettle when it took down half of al saud oil production with one salvo of missile strike?
What were the yanks doing then? Where did the french and brit military presence in the gulf evaporate then?
What was the fifth us naval fleet doing then?
Don't fall for the hype.
If DPRK can build the bomb and ICBM to deliver it, you can rest assured Iran has got it too one way or the other.
No yankee president, government, cabinet is dumb enough to start a war with Iran only to get a few dozen premium yankee location nuked in return, at minimum. And get Zioinists entity bulldozed out of existence. Same with yankee and western military presence in the West Asian/middle eastern region.
do you think it's yankee generosity or zionist generosity that prevents them from striking Iran?
those morons used to laugh before when iran talked abt bavar 373 being superior to s300.
now all those kafir fucktards sons of whores have shut their pieholes forever.
there's a good reason none of them dare to start a war against Iran.
All those US n Zionist media propaganda esp on the latter capabilities in high tech warfare. Well yahudi only bully the weak like palestine. Why fight hamas or proxy war? Cos yahudi no guts to attack Persia directly. Need yankee help. Dotard also no guts. Talk big. Even willing to go bed with kim. LoL
It is clear that yanks or zionists don't refrain from attacking Iran due to their generosity or humanitarian concerns.
They never hesitated in attacking Syria whenever they wanted, using whatever bogus excuse they invented.
Why the hesitation when dealing with Iran?
Obviously, Iran is in a wholly different league.
After Kim tested nukes and ICBM, dotard met him in stinkypore and viet congs hosted them, too.
Tacitly recognizing the fact that Fat Kim has crossed the rubicon. No turning back the clock.
DPRK is a nuclear power that can strike mainland USA. That's why dotard changed tune.
Same with Iran. When Iran shot down their $200m worth stealth drone, they never retaliated.
When their marines were humiliated publicly and caught, they never took action.
Same goes for Brits who tried to be too clever and arrested Iranian vessel in Gibraltar. Iran retaliated by arresting two Brit vessels in the Persian Gulf.
Ultimately, the Brits caved in and did diddly squat.
Says it all.
Since when did Zionists, Brits and Yanks - ALL three of them - begin to be so generous against their enemies and worry about humanitarian issues?
Shut up.
Just throw pigs and dogs to those muslim world and you are dead!
Represents your intellect
very well
Tats wat happened when hes over indulgence in pork.![]()