On this topic, must say that Iranian policymakers made a huge mistake. Unpardonable offense.
1. If Iran loses a war with Yanks/stooges, then Yanks in their own homeland won't be hurt. That means even if tens of millions of Iranians were to be killed, displaced, maimed, it would not matter one bit to yanks or most westerners. They would just 'move on' with life.
2. If Iran wins a war with Yanks/stooges, then Yanks in their own homeland won't be hurt
either. That means even if hundreds of thousands or millions of Iranians were to be killed, displaced, maimed, it would not matter one bit to yanks or most westerners. They would just 'move on' with life.
Considering both the optimistic and pessimistic outcomes of a war against yanks lead to the same result for yankee citizens, why would yanks be deterred by Iran?
Stupid Iranians should have invested in acquiring, developing, mass producing and stockpiling tens of thousands of hydrogen or thermonuclear devices by now. Of course, to deliver these bombs, you need vehicles - called ICBMs or Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles.
And you need loads of them.
3. If you are going to be sanctioned, embargoed, isolated, demonized, turned into a pariah, have your scientists killed, subversion attempts against your regime carried out, then you might as well build the bomb and ICBMs to deliver the bomb(s).
What is the point of refraining from building, stockpiling, testing these devices? And from refraining from testing ICBMs?
And no, testing some rickety SLV like Simorgh is just not good enough. Too bulky, not a useful SLV, long preparation time before launch - makes it easy target for yankee stealthy and numerous airpower.
Remember, Yanks alone have more satellites over Iran and the region than Iran has launched to date!
4. And again and again and again, these stupid Middle Easterners Iranians, Turks, Pakistanis, Afghans, Central Asians, Arabs and Kurds and Berbers, all need to realize that Middle East is the only overwhelmingly Muslim majority region in the world. There is no other region, in the entire world, where the overwhelming majority of the population is Muslim.
Stop infighting, build the bomb, build ICBM, sign mutual defence treaties with brotherly countries and strengthen your countries.
After nuclear deterrence has been established, focus on developing human resources, justice, unity, developing a unified, single market, a unified foreign policy that can aid and assist Muslim communities in distress in far flung regions of the world.
5. Why are the stupid Turks in Syria again? If you can't fight Russia, and Turks and Russians and every other party knows that very well, what is the point of sending in troops and equipment in to Syria only for you to get humiliated?
Face it, Turks, Arabs, Pakistanis, Central Asians, Iranians, Balkans -
combined - have fewer people than a smelly sh*tpeddling curry munching head bobbling cow urine savouring Ah Nehs!
You lot don't have numbers. You lot don't have work ethic (very important). You lot don't have exceptional IQ (the worlds' Muslims suffer because the only overwhelmingly Muslim majority region in the world, instead of fighting Yanks and Zionists, is busy fighting each other! Stupid and coward Iranians, stupid and coward Pakistanis, stupid and coward Turks, stupid and coward Arabs, stupid and traitor Kurds, stupid and coward Berbers should focus on the kafir external enemy rather than fight against each other.
Utterly helpless fools the whole lot of them.
Per capita, Iranians or Turks should be as heavily militarized as Zionists for a start.
If Iran is 10 times as big as Zionists, and Turkey is also 10 times as big as Zionists (approximately) in terms of population, why shouldn't they be 10 times as heavily militarized?
Why shouldn't they build a military 10 times as big and powerful ?
If teeny tiny Zionists can operate well over 350 'modern' (4th gen or more modern) fighter jets incl F-35 stealth fighter jets, why does Erdogan think that he is some 'hotshot' with some 240 F-16 (the most 'basic' 4th gen fighter jet in Yankee inventory, a jack of all trades, master of none)? Not all of them are modernized to F-16V standards or equivalent. No AESA radar. No long combat range, small payload.
Russia spans around half the world, 11 time zones to be precise. How exactly can Turks think about hitting every part of Russia from Turkey or around there? Their 'gravity bombs' to be carried on their F-4 or F-16 fighters or bombers won't take them to Vladivostok in the Far East, near Japan or Korea.
If teeny tiny Zionists can operate well in excess of 1,000 main battle tanks (relatively modern Merkava mk IV and Merkava mk III, if we consider that modern thx to 120mm main gun), why can't Iran or Turkey operate 10 times as many?
These fools really are the cause of their own downfall.
Build the bomb, build ICBM, gain yourself some peace and stability at home and extend this same facility to your neighbours, then build up your industry, tech, science, economy, political influence globally.
Even if Iran and Turkey were to unite, they'd have
only 160 million ppl. That's less than Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Brazil, USA, Tiongs or Ah Nehs' population.
What a joke.
Even at full potential, these countries are
always, for the foreseeable future (possibly the next 100 years), going to be the playthings of Yanks, Russkies, maybe even Tiongs in the future. Zionists control both Yanks and Russkies, Tiongs aren't particularly Muslim friendly and except Pakis, nobody else in the Muslim world really sides with Tiongs, Ah Nehs aren't Muslim friendly, Zionists are ardently anti Islamic.
What are you left with?
Slavery. Oppression. Violence. Humiliation.
All because of the stupidity of these Middle Easterners. Are they related to Ah Nehs by any chance?
How can they be sooooooo stupid?
Even Ah Nehs have tested nuclear bombs and ICBMs
publicly for crying out loud.
Just end the madness once and for all and fight your enemies. The Yanks, the Zionists, the kuffar enemies. Unite the entire Middle East under one banner, topple the kuffar- aligned dictatorships in the Arab world even if it means
nuking Yankeeland a million times over.
Don't shy away from your responsibility.
Remember that ID/MY are just too far from the bulk of the action. And MY is just too small, with more than 40% of ppl consisting of kuffar from this tiny population to boot. Not a good situation to be in. Lesson for all Muslims:
Never let the Kuffar take over your country like the benevolent, affable, far too tolerant, might I say too naive and perhaps even dumb, Malays have done by allowing in so many cheating, swindling, backstabbing, untrustworthy, ungrateful, sons and daughters of prostitutes, whores, harlots, stevedores, rickshawpullers, coolies, ugly bumpkins, pig trotter sucking, Wuhan virus and what not carrying chinks and ah neh gangsters thugs wife beaters smelly curry munching begging head bobbling traitors.
There is just no reason for Iran not to test the bomb,
in public, now.
There is no reason for Iran not to test ICBM
in public now.
This message needs to be sent to all and sundry.
That Iran's enemies, no matter which part of the world they might be hiding in, can be obliterated to bits in a matter of 30 mins (or less).
Turkey is far from producing any nuclear bombs (decades away) and as Turkey recognizes Zionists officially, remains a secular country officially, a NATO member officially, Turkey's foreign policy stance will not resonate well with most Muslims. You can not pretend to be the leader of Muslims world wide while recognizing Zionists and even trying to justify that stance.
Iran has a Shia majority. As a theocratic regime, it is a must that its official sect (Twelver Shia /Ithna Ashari Shia) will be reflected in its domestic and foreign policy.
It is also understandable most Muslims, who are Sunnis of various forms and thoughts, will not take too kindly to such policy formulations.
But then what to do? There is no revolutionary regime among the Sunni majority populations of the world. Arabs are occupied by kuffar aligned dictatorships. Except Egypt, no Arab country has adequate population to amount to a big/medium sized power in any case, by global standards.
Pakistan - hosts both Sunnis and Shia and faced with an existential threat from a 6.5 times bigger
kafir Ah Neh country always busy trying to counter Ah Nehs, never mind, getting its hands dirty trying to sort out the mess in the Middle East.
ID/MY/NG (Nigeria)/African countries too far away from the action. And except ID(indon)/NG(nigeria) too small to make a big impact either. Worse yet, Malaysia/MY has too many bastard kuffar rats who are not loyal to the nation. Who should have been expelled a loooong time ago if not for senile Dr M who has been pandering to thse kuffar rats.
Central Asian
Turkic republics also too small, landlocked and ruled by Russian aligned dictatorships.
Since Turkey or Egypt are the only possible candidate countries for a Sunni majority revolutionary regimes and since none of them at the moment has a revolutionary regime, Iran remains the only/most independent country in the wider Muslim world, even if it pursues a decidedly sectarian agenda (which is only natural given its theocratic regime, which is bound to push the agenda of its officially favoured sect in its domestic and foreign policy).
I hope Erdogan is not mad enough to believe that he can defeat Russia in Syria. Better to save Syrians the trouble and end the war. Since Erdogan/Turkey is not brave, talent and/or capable enough to develop an enormous number (tens of thousands) of nuclear bombs (not mere atomic bombs but thermonuclear bombs, that can wipe out an entire megacity in a single blast) and adequate ICBMs to deliver them, it's best for Erdogan to end the war in Syria.
Erdogan has lost. It's meaningless to drag this on any further and expose Erdogan as an agent of the West/Yanks/Zionists any longer.
If you want to prove you are independent and not afraid of the West, then detonate the bomb, stockpile tens of thousands of them, build adequate number of ICBMs and move on from them.
If you are too afraid of the West to do that, you have no right to pretend to be the leader of Muslims.