Sorry sorry ... The following is today's market report.
England-Germany A continuation of the historic grudge match between two world powers. The betting market has an interesting story. Since yesterday, there has been heavy herd interest on Germany to win. The odds for Germany sank to an all time low. In fact while everywhere else England was tipped as the favourite, Germany became the favourite in Singapore. This has been the betting pattern all the way till Europe woke up today. The odds for England drifted down at around 4 pm mainly because of a sudden surge coming out of Europe. As it stands, Pools is now quoting dead odds, which means that it is right down the centre as compared to the international market. Likely reason is they have got enough bet exposure for this big match and don't really want to take any more bets.
Argentina-Mexico From being a joke among sports journalists, the Hand of God has become almost a holy figure. These days, his press conferences are almost like sermons. Overwhelmingly, the herd is buying Argentina to win. Beyond this match, there is already talk that Argentina will win World Cup 2010 BECAUSE of the Hand of God.