I know of a few guys who have married China and Thai ladies who are more highly educated than them and probably earn more than them as well.
Don't know whether these ladies are WCPs, but they certainly don't need to rely on the guy for money. Times are a changing, and sometimes women from China and Thailand get a reputation which they don't deserve.
Btw, I predict that SG women will start hooking up with China men within the next 10 years.
My understanding with Thai ladies who are very well-educated. They do not think too far like western ladies, or singapore girls.
They are very well-knowledge, highly intellect, highly independent. Their expectations of a mate are very high. That is why most are single. Expectations too high.
It's easy to know whether a girl is WCP. Over 1-2 dinners, when you ask them what they want to do in life, achieve in work, expectations of their partner, you get to see.
When I speak thai like what they said in the movies, she said I am low crass, considered low society. I said hey, that's what they said in movies, isn't it? But she will say, yeah, that's right, but you are with me, and that's low class to me.
When u go with her shopping, she ask you for an opinion, you told her another dress is nicer, that one not nice, she will tell you, "What DO you know about? Your opinion is different from mine." I start shaking head, in the 1st place why ask me:p
When you tell her an apple is an apple, she will tell you is nonsense because the words come out from your mouth. When her girlfriends tell her an apple is an apple, she will tell you yup, it is an apple. Maybe this is one way she shows her superiority. When you correct her that you told her that earlier, she will tell you "You didn't explain yourself properly."
Wow, an explanation for every single argument. I lost 99% of all debates and quarrels, because she always had walkovers. I chose to keep quiet and zip my mouth

That was the reason why the relationship took quite a while to end. The 1% I won was when the day we broke up. I told her what I always felt, in a 2 page letter. She read and that was one of the very few times she apologised to me.
But then saying sorry is easy. You start to think hard whether the person is sincere or just to say sorry for that point of time. Well, if she is sincere about it, I think she would change.
The last time I saw her, she said she found it very hard to find someone who understands her except me. (In my mind I was thinking, I ain't the one. I was just more tolerant, tolerant to her temper.)
Maybe I should be a MCP so that I can experience how she feel. :p