Thursday March 1, 2012
Wild boar attacks two
[email protected]
KUALA TERENGGANU: Two orang asli women searching for herbs and firewood in Kampung Sungai Berua, Hulu Terengganu, were injured after being attacked by a 70kg wild boar. Dajang, 62, was bitten on her arms and legs while her daughter Sallek Bakar, in her 30s, had injuries all over her body. Both women have been warded at the Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital.
“The animal bit me on my arms and legs before attacking my daughter,” she said, adding that Sallek had tried to beat the boar off with a stick but this only sent it into a frenzy. Dajang said she started shouting for help when the wild boar set upon Sallek. However, no one came. The boar ran off after attacking the women.
“We managed to make our way to the village and seek help. This is the first time we have been attacked like this. I am still shocked,” she said. A fellow villager who declined to be named said wild boars were a common sight in the jungle.
Wild boar attacks two
[email protected]
KUALA TERENGGANU: Two orang asli women searching for herbs and firewood in Kampung Sungai Berua, Hulu Terengganu, were injured after being attacked by a 70kg wild boar. Dajang, 62, was bitten on her arms and legs while her daughter Sallek Bakar, in her 30s, had injuries all over her body. Both women have been warded at the Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital.

Traumatic experience: Dajang being wheeled to Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital’s emergency unit for further treatment yesterday.
Sallek’s sister was unharmed during the savage attack at 10am yesterday. Dajang said they would often go to the jungle some 5km away from Kampung Sungai Berua to look for firewood. “I was collecting wood when I saw the wild boar walking in front of us. We didn’t have time to flee as it came charging at us.
“The animal bit me on my arms and legs before attacking my daughter,” she said, adding that Sallek had tried to beat the boar off with a stick but this only sent it into a frenzy. Dajang said she started shouting for help when the wild boar set upon Sallek. However, no one came. The boar ran off after attacking the women.
“We managed to make our way to the village and seek help. This is the first time we have been attacked like this. I am still shocked,” she said. A fellow villager who declined to be named said wild boars were a common sight in the jungle.