Too bad I run road to a 3rd world country without any free medical but I'm still a foreigner so I don't deserve it. However,
1. last year did colonoscopy and endoscopy at the same time - cost is $1,400
2. two months back did MRI for spine and brain - cost is $1,200
All done at the renown 1st CLASS Bumrungrad Hospital. I was told doing it in Singapore will cost you an arm or leg. My point is even if don't have any medical scheme or insurance one can still get 1st class treatment at a reasonable cost.
Since you went to a Thai hosp like a pte patient I'll just do a comparison to what you have to pay in Sinkie 'restructured hospital' as a pte patient.
For the colonscopy I'll assume standard type. Bill in Sinkie fuck up standard will be $2200++. Note the ++.
Endoscopy standard type, will also be $2200++. Note the ++.
MRI spine Bill in Sinkie : $700++.
MRI for brain : $1000++.
You might ask what the fuck is the ++ in those Sinkie bills.
Well for starters, even before those tests can be done you'll have to consult their so called specialists and the bills will be just as a shocker.
And don't forget the GST too.
Anyway since nobody had posted the obvious statement, let me be the one.
SO who did Wing vote for in Sinkland before he quitted?

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