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who used to cheong these retro discos

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
  • rumours - at forum (DJs were that HK disco king and the other guy was the zouk fella) later revived teadance culture
  • warehouse - next to riverside hotel (zouk stole their warehouse concept)
  • chinoisserie - shinwah for the rich...became pickup joint later
  • scandals- At then Westin Hotel wasn’t very popular
  • xanadu- THE place at the Shang this place precedes the rest in the list
  • reading room- referring to the one at Marina Mandarin? Orchard Mandarin had the Library. Hilton had another similar ‘room’ forgot the name
  • ridleys- ANA used to be be called ridleys has the rubber. By Europa group
  • pacha - can’t recall
  • studebakers - pacific plaza didn’t last Long
  • peppermint park- same era as Xanadu - also By Europa
  • east west express- can’t recall
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Then I was a matured man who liked younger girls. Now I am an old man who likes younger girls. :biggrin: In my mind, I am 30.




Old Fart
that that was the first thing he picked up on from what you said?? I would've thought the question would be why didn't you like Fire as much or something like that. :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

anyway, lerine might want to meet up with you to hear about why you liked Sparks...
Lerine again? I have gotten over her but don't tell her that. :biggrin: I have fond memories of Sparks, the girls I met, befriended and slept with. One was a nurse, one a divorcee with a kid, one was studying medicine, one was an office worker on employment pass, one was a bubbly secretary. Oh, and my wife at that time (my first wife) was a teacher.