Shiok for the good guys or the bad guys?
Shiok Shiok for Yang, but he is no where to be found
Please verify for yourself whether its real news
sorry for the delay in Posting .
found it strange Dr TCB and Yang are very quiet on the following ?
* * WITHIN 24 hours with more than 600 shares on "Concerned Citizens Band Together for a better Sigapore" for below posting ->
hundreds of thousands of Singaporeans are aware and waiting for the APPROVAL from Prime Minister (PM) Lee Hsien Loong himself to "allow those 6028 voters of West Coast GRC who missed voting to vote for a fair and complete election to determine the real winners of West Coast GRC".
Latest: LESS THAN 48 hours with more than 700 shares below posting.
* * * Please share this posting to beyond 1000 to trigger the above APPROVAL by PM Lee. Thanks.
Appeal for fair and complete election:
The election for West Coast GRC where the number of voters who didn’t casted their votes (146,089 - 140,061 =6,028) is far more than the Margin of victory (=4,674) - View photo.
Such case rarely existed and for this election on 10 July 2020 it only occurred in above West Coast GRC where those who missed voting for the election due to valid reasons eg Covid -19, etc can easily vote out Puppet Action Party (PAP).
Hence, Elections Department Singapore (ELD) - should allow those 6028 voters of West Coast GRC who missed voting to vote for a fair and complete election to determine the real winners of West Coast GRC! Fact is Prime Minister's office is in charge of ELD -
Take immediate action for above final voting where ELD possess the FULL addresses of those 6,028 voters from West Coast GRC to determine the Real Winners! Millions of Singaporeans like myself willing to volunteer to visit the homes of those 6,028 voters with the presence of both PAP and PSP volunteers and staffs of ELD for them to vote.
* Does PAP like Ministers S. Iswaran and Desmond Lee willing to verify the wishes of the remaining voters or dare not? Yet telecast on Channelnewsasia where S. Iswaran claimed that PAP has won the majority for West Coast GRC which is not true as 71,545 is less than 50% of eligible voters (146,089)!
* Any reporter and international media willing to ask PM Lee for approval under RULE OF LAW to enable 6,028 voters from West Coast GRC who didn't casted their votes to do so immediately. Taking note that PAP unprecedentedly extended voting hours from 8pm to 10pm to enable thousands of Singaporeans to vote after 8pm. Hence, PM Lee can do likewise to enable 6,028 voters to vote now under unprecedented Covid - 19 situation to be fair to millions of Singaporeans!