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[Video] - Putin and Fatty Kim sign a NATO-like mutual military defense treaty with each other





haha. see usa still wanna go disturb north korea or not? wanna whack means russia involved then is ww3 liao.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Those Tiong folks from the three northeast provinces of China should be very worried. :biggrin:

China and Russia are only in a marriage of convenience. They will backstab each other in future. :cool:




The US has antagonized all the key non-aligned movement countries into aligning with one another.

In the long term their fucked up foreign policy will come back to haunt them: the world's largest trading and most populous and fastest growing nations are not in the EU or North America, which are stagnating if not declining. The new world order is no longer a contest between communism and capitalism, or between democracy and authoritarianism, but one between the West and rest of the world.

syed putra

Those Tiong folks from the three northeast provinces of China should be very worried. :biggrin:

China and Russia are only in a marriage of convenience. They will backstab each other in future. :cool:


Shenyang and jilin of I am not mistaken are the third state for the Koreans. Mostly Koreans living there near border. Even signbords are in korean.

syed putra

that Kim boy walks like a retard
After his Disappearance attributed to some disease, Kim does not behave like his usual self anymore. More docile. And then sister became prominent. Maybe it's not the Kim we used to know anymore.
  • Haha
Reactions: cat


one between the West and rest of the world.
What a load of crap?

West = Europe, the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, etc.
Rest Of The World = China, Russia, Iran, Cuba and North Korea.

So, which is greater? Don't kid yourself here. In addition, I don't even consider India as Indians are renown for being double-headed snakes which totally cannot be relied upon
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Bloodymir Putin is now very desperate because he badly needs more allies, come what may. Even if fat Kim wants him to kneel down and kowtow to him, Bloodymir Putin will also oblige.


What a load of crap?

West = Europe, the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, etc.
Rest Of The World = China, Russia, Iran, Cuba and North Korea.

So, which is greater? Don't kid yourself here. In addition, I don't even consider India as Indians are renown for being double-headed snakes which totally cannot be relied upon
What cock are you talking?

India is in BRICS. Taiwan is terra incognito - whether it swings towards China or US depends on whether the KMT or DPP is in charge; either way, Taiwan is not even recognized as an independent country by the UN.

Vietnam just signed a NATO-like treaty with Russia. The Viets have been a vassal state of China for 2,000 years and fought a border war in 1979. They were bombed to smithereens by the Americans in the Vietnam War and remain staunchly communist. They'll never trust China or the US. But the Russians were behind them through thick and thin.

And BRICs is not just Brazil, Russian, India, China. At last count it includes South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates. Argentina and Saudi Arabia have been invited. Thailand and Malaysia next. Saudi has just let the petrodollar contract lapse - where do you think it's leaning?

It's the declining West vs the entire uprising Global South.
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What cock are you talking?

India is in BRICS. Taiwan is terra incognito - whether it swings towards China or US depends on whether the KMT or DPP is in charge; either way, Taiwan is not even recognized as an independent country by the UN.

Vietnam just signed a NATO-like treaty of Russia. The Viets have been a vassal state of China for 2,000 years and fought a border war in 1979. They were bombed to smithereens by the Americans in the Vietnam War and remain staunchly communist. They'll never trust China or the US. But the Russians were behind them through thick and thin.

And BRICs is not just Brazil, Russian, India, China. At last count it includes South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates. Argentina and Saudi Arabia have been invited. Thailand and Malaysia next. Saudi has just let the petrodollar contract lapse - where do you think it's leaning?

It's the declining West vs the entire uprising Global South.
FUCK YOU. BRICS is just for namesake and there is no definite agreement of a mutual treaty of co-operation in case of war against a member country. Each country within BRICS is an opportunist and is there only to take any economic benefits to be derived from this useless organization.

Furthermore, the Saudis have been talking of demonetizing the US dollar for oil trades for eons, but until today, has it really materialize into total fruition yet? GO AND FUCK YOURSELF FIRST.

And further more, don't make it sound like "NATO-Like
treaty of Russia". It's far from it. Your narrative is more silly that what my Primary School nephew used to say. Don't make my toes laugh. Russia is now desperately in need of more allies in true reality. China and Russia are not really that trustworthy towards each other.
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