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[Video] - Putin and Fatty Kim sign a NATO-like mutual military defense treaty with each other




Go and educate yoursself, moron. Meanwhile continue to suck American cock. LOL.


Saudi Arabia ends petrodollar agreement: What it means for the USD, Bitcoin, and gold​

From your own fucking quote:

"At present, the Kingdom is still accepting U.S. dollars in exchange for oil,….. The primary reasons for not making the switch at this point are the stability and the global acceptance of the U.S. dollar."

Don't fucking embarrass yourself here. KNNBCCB, if you cannot read English, let me help you to.


From your own fucking quote:

"At present, the Kingdom is still accepting U.S. dollars in exchange for oil,….. The primary reasons for not making the switch at this point are the stability and the global acceptance of the U.S. dollar."

Don't fucking embarrass yourself here. KNNBCCB, if you cannot read English, let me help you to.
You really are the village idiot.

The petrodollar agreement officially ended on June 9, 2004. This means henceforth the Saudis can accept any other currency PLUS the USD. Whoever said that the Saudis are ditching the USD? Get it? They can sell oil in yuan, roubles, rupees and Bitcoin.



You really are the village idiot.

The petrodollar agreement officially ended on June 9, 2004. This means henceforth the Saudis can accept any other currency PLUS the USD. Whoever said that the Saudis are banning the USD? Get it?

So, what is the fucking use when the USD is still acceptable by the Saudis? If they really have the guts, just totally deny the USD trading for their oil, but will they dare? This kind of half-hearted actions won't go far.

The USD will still be the Kingpin for at least the next decade or 2. The Chinese Yuan is a competitive challenger, but they are very much afraid to let the Chinese Yuan be manipulated and hence, don't have the guts to allow it as an International Currency of trade even till today.


So, what is the fucking use when the USD is still acceptable by the Saudis? If they really have the guts, just totally deny the USD trading for their oil, but will they dare? This kind of half-hearted actions won't go far.
The Saudis are not stupid. They see the de-dollarization trend. They want to continue to sell oil to EU/US and at the same time also sell oil to the BRICs countries using rouble, yuan, rupees, future BRICs currency and bitcoin. Russia, Syria, Iran, N Korea all sanctioned already. China next. You think the Saudis want to lose this huge market?


The Saudis are not stupid. They see the de-dollarization trend. They want to continue to sell oil to EU/US and at the same time also sell oil to the BRICs countries using rouble, yuan, rupees, future BRICs currency and bitcoin. Russia, Syria, Iran, N Korea all sanctioned already. China next. You think the Saudis want to lose this huge market?
Whoever trades in Rouble today is definitely suicidal. Don't kid yourself. Many Chinese automotive companies which had supplied Chinese cars to Russia during the last 2 years are now suffering severe losses incurred due the bad exchange rate. Go and read up yourself.

Without the official government's own digital coin implementation, Bitcoin is just mainly transacted for money laundering activities. Why did TESLA made a U-TURN for the payment of their cars using Bitcoins?



now we know who got the biggest balls.


Nerds like @superpower still think that the 3 major countries in BRICS are in good relations, think again. As I've said before, BRICS is formed just for the sake of each of its members economic benefits only. When it comes to diplomatic and military relations, they are far from cordial. Have a look at the following video:

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Whoever trades in Rouble today is definitely suicidal. Don't kid yourself. Many Chinese automotive companies which had supplied Chinese cars to Russia during the last 2 years are now suffering severe losses incurred due the bad exchange rate. Go and read up yourself.
What Saudi has done is to give itself options in an increasingly multi-polar world with dedollarization happening apace. Why constrain yourself to selling oil only in USD because of some stupid contract signed 50 years ago. Like I said the Saudis aren't stupid.

You mean if Russia (which has no more USD) wants to buy oil from Saudi in roubles, Saudis are going to refuse? India is moving away from USD too - is Saudi going to refuse rupees? Use your brains.


You mean if Russia (which has no more USD) wants to buy oil from Saudi in roubles, Saudis are going to refuse? India is moving away from USD too - is Saudi going to refuse rupees? Use your brains.
WHAT COCK ARE YOU TALKING? Russia has more oil than it can use for itself. It's desperately looking for buyers for its oil. It will never need to buy oil from anyone. No wonder with your kind of stupidity and from your heredity in your family, you cannot go far in the corporate ladder. Inside your brain must be filled with Mūd.

The USD shall remain the dominant currency of trade for the next decade or 2. The reason is no other country is willing to take the risk to subject its own currency to external manipulation. You should have brains to recall the Asian financial currency crisis in the late 90s. Even the € is mostly limited to trade within the EU countries themselves.
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