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[Video] - China : School bully stabbed to death by bully victim’s father as authorities are not doing anything to stop the bullying


The dad used @sbfuncle way of settlement.
School bullying are part and parcel of growing up.
However, we need to look at how physical it is during the assault. If it is getting too violent, I would advise my child to bring a small weapon to school as a safeguard eg penknife . In Times of need use it as a defence tool rather than a counter attack. Those bullies confirm will be scared and back out.
Do not think that I'm crazy to recommend this becos you will be naive if you think you can rely on the school to settle this for you. And do not be stupid to settle this yourself. Look at the eg and the parent ended in 7wks jail. Let the child settle it by themselves with your guidance.

I myself was a school bully KNN KNN
I was a school bully, but not the physical bully, only mental bully.


For school bullies, I advocate settlement by the victim themselves. I will not interfere. As a dad I will only give my child advice on how to deal with such rather than relying on the school discipline masters.
The best way is for my child to always have a sharp object with them on standby if the school has bullies.
Bad advice. What if the bully wears white? :o-o: