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US Elections 2022


So what are the Repubicans doing about it? If not they will never win
Tighten election security and start arresting people for election fraud. De Santis did that, look at how the Democrats are crushed in Florida.



Election officials in Arizona said they are prepared to work through Thanksgiving and possibly Christmas as well [to finish counting votes].



Richard Grenell: "An elementary school student could count faster than Maricopa County."

"Every other country around the world could do this in a night. Why can't the greatest country in the history of the world, America, count votes on one night? It doesn't make any sense."


Alfrescian (Inf)
View attachment 167279

Richard Grenell: "An elementary school student could count faster than Maricopa County."

"Every other country around the world could do this in a night. Why can't the greatest country in the history of the world, America, count votes on one night? It doesn't make any sense."
It makes sense as you will need more time to rig the results.
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