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US Elections 2022

Byebye Penis

Half Time Review:

Rep did well in House but lost two governor-seats
Rep did below expectations in Iowa and NH
Arizona voting just ended.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
This is when you know the Dems are losing bigly.

From the Jew York Times:


Byebye Penis

Half Time Thoughts

Once upon a time, when i was young, CA was a republican state. Now it is more messy with the LGBT and woke shit after turning DEM.


Byebye Penis

This is when you know the Dems are losing bigly.

From the Jew York Times:


Still mixed signals:
Guam's fall to Republican after 30 years. I hope Hawaii will fall too (unlikely).
Two Rep governor-seats lost, unexpectedly.
But DEM put out a strong fight in Rep Iowa, and second half will see blue states counting votes.

FX market hinting that DEM will not be trashed.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This is the live stream to watch. Forget about CNN and the other fake news outlets. Even Fox News is crap, I remember how it betrayed Trump in the 2018 midterm elections. :cool:



I think the Repubicans made a mistake by depending on erection day voting. They should have recommended their supporters do early voting etc to avoid the not enough ballot paper crap. But all in all of the fraud n cheating is not eliminated than whatever the Repubicans do also no use