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Updated News/Gossips/KNNBCCB PAP Never Solve Haze Problem Thread


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Vivian Balakrishnan under stress

Politicians age faster than most people because they have to keep looking over their shoulders, worrying over issues, scheming and plotting downfalls of their enemies, getting stressed out over the political fall outs of every other random events. That's what burden of office meant.

People who has a good heart and good conscience sleep well, worry less, and looks better and less haggard.

They should eat soursop regularly and adopt a vegan diet to make them look young again.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Coping with the hazy situation

Woes aplenty as Singapore struggles to handle problems relating to the haze, dengue and even train failures.

THERE are times when Singaporeans would feel themselves lucky for avoiding typhoons, earthquakes, floods, or the feared tsunamis – the bane of South-East Asia.

Last week wasn’t such an occasion. In recent days, some of the optimism dissipated with many inhabitants asking themselves: “What on earth is happening to Singapore?”

At the same time, Singapore is bracing itself for the worst dengue epidemic as the number of infections this year has exceeded the total for the whole of last year.

The biggest emergency is the threatening smog.

The city was covered by a “hazardous” blanket of haze – by far the worst in the Republic’s history, with PSI (Pollutant Standards Index) hitting a historic high of 321 at 10pm on Wednesday.

The next day, it hit another high – 371.

A government task force comprising 23 state agencies has been formed to mitigate the impact.

A furious Environment Minister Dr Vivian Balakrishnan said on Facebook on the eve of scheduled talks with Indonesians: “This is now the worst haze that Singapore has ever faced.

“We need urgent and definitive action by Indonesia to tackle the problem at source,” he said on Facebook.

“Singaporeans have lost patience, and are understandably angry, distressed and concerned.

“No country or corporation has the right to pollute the air at the expense of Singaporeans’ health and wellbeing.”

It was one of the strongest statements made by a Singaporean minister on this longstanding problem.

The response came swiftly.

“Singapore should not be behaving like a child and making all this noise,” Agung Laksono, the minister who is coordinating Indonesia’s response to the haze crisis, told reporters in Jakarta.

He said Jakarta would reject any offer of financial aid from Singapore unless it was a large amount.

“Unless (Singapore) wants to give us a large amount, we won’t consider accepting it,” he said.

“If it is only half a million, or one million dollars, we don’t need that. We would rather use our own national budget.”

The Singapore government has urged children, the elderly, and those with heart or lung diseases, to avoid outdoor activities and seek medical treatment early if they feel unwell.

On Thursday morning, the PSI fell briefly but the smog was back with a vengeance and by 1pm, the reading registered another record – 371.

Sports like football and netball tournaments were cancelled.

Restaurants were near deserted as people chose to stay indoors.

Medical clinics reported more complaints by senior citizens with coughing ailments and difficulty in breathing.

“Please stay indoors where possible and avoid heavy outdoor activities.

Look out for one another – we will get through this together,” appealed Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

Some Singaporeans blame the government for being too soft on the offenders in discussing this long-standing problem.

A number of cabinet ministers, from Prime Minister down, called on Jakarta “to do the right thing”.

On Thursday, Foreign Minister K. Shan*mugam flew to Jakarta for talks on the crisis.

Smog is only one of Singaporeans’ recent problems.

The next major threat is a dengue epidemic, which has already claimed two lives and some 10,000 patients.

PM Lee has launched a nationwide campaign, calling on 30,000 volunteers to fan out and eliminate mosquito breeding spots such as stagnant pools of water, garden pots and roof drains.

The number of cases had been climbing relentlessly for 11 consecutive weeks.

Recent torrential rains worsened the problem in certain areas.

For Singaporeans, these recent problems of smog and dengue epidemic have added to the feeling of gloom.

“It is lucky we didn’t see a repetition of last year’s series of flash floods that played havoc with public transportation.” said a commuter.

Some train users had their evening of woes, though.

As Singapore was covered by the strong acrid smell of fog, some transit stations on the North-East line were disrupted for two hours.

Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew had harsh words for the operator, SMRT Corporation.

Writing on his Facebook, he said that he was “dismayed” by their handling of the situation.

The commuters were stranded for “an unacceptably long period” before they were eventually detrained and asked to walk towards the nearest station.

“I know that this must be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience for affected commuters,” he said.

“The whole situation was also made much worse by the haze.”

These misfortunes – fog, dengue, train failure – following one after another seemed to have struck Singaporeans like a bad nightmare, just like the stock market this week.

A few hours after PSI hit records levels, US stock market fell dramatically, pulling down world markets, including Singapore’s by some 2.5%, erasing some Singaporean savings.

But, the handling of relations with Indonesia over the invasive smog will be a test of diplomatic skills for PM Lee.

He faces a populous country, which is proud and requires sensitive handling.

On the other hand is a more outspoken generation of Singaporeans which already feels its government is too scared of upsetting its giant neighbour.

As blogger Bertha Henson wrote in a column: “The Government is being soft? Don’t want to offend the Indonesians?

“Yeah. But they (Singapore leaders) have to speak louder now because we are all so angry and upset.”


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Sinkapore kpkb about Indons ...Malaysia offers assistance

The difference is that sinkies stupidly voted a fucking bunch of vicious self serving bastards who know only how to be vicious and self serving and bullying of sinkies




Re: For Office workers, its safer at the workplace than at home

So the routine is go to work. Put on facemask when u are outside. At work, don't go out. Eat in or in the office canteen or something. Then when u finish your shift, go straight home. No going out to exercise or the pubs or wherever!!! What a life!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Vivian Balakrishnan under stress

Why stress? We all know PAP never fire anyone due to incompetence. Just look at Lim Shit Say. The guy had been cruising and coasting past for so many years with zero contribution.

For good measure, the list of pretenders, passengers and hangers-on; cruising and coasting in whites seem to grow longer and longer. he problemis they don't get fired or even retire gracefully. Instead they got re-deployed. I hope this fella don't become some ESM or MM in the future!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Coping with the hazy situation

A furious Environment Minister Dr Vivian Balakrishnan said on Facebook on the eve of scheduled talks with Indonesians: “This is now the worst haze that Singapore has ever faced.
“We need urgent and definitive action by Indonesia to tackle the problem at source,” he said on Facebook.
“Singaporeans have lost patience, and are understandably angry, distressed and concerned.
“No country or corporation has the right to pollute the air at the expense of Singaporeans’ health and wellbeing.”
It was one of the strongest statements made by a Singaporean minister on this longstanding problem.

The Indons tell sinkapore - no country or corporation has the right to steal Indonesia's money . This has been a sore point for decades, since LKY's time and sinkapore didn't want to address it. And sinkapore expect the Indons to be nice?

As blogger Bertha Henson wrote in a column: “The Government is being soft? Don’t want to offend the Indonesians?
“Yeah. But they (Singapore leaders) have to speak louder now because we are all so angry and upset.”

Sounds like SBF's Steffy ...invade and be slaughtered. I suggest SAF send the ladies out instead.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Bargain Hen talk cock, DISGraceFu joins in, Healthy Minister Gan keeps mum

Haze or no haze, the PAP wants you to work. You die, so what? Let's move on.

And when you die, they want the organs from you to place into their fucking elites and anyone else who can pay and pay them.
They win, you lose.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Sinkapore kpkb about Indons ...Malaysia offers assistance

different lah...... they afterall, abang adik leh !:o

Don't say that ...make LHL panic ...one of the goal of sinkapore is to prevent the two countries from becoming too close. That's why sinkapore must cho cho all the time.
Of course Indons think they should be treated like big brothers. But sinkapore and Matland don't want to treat the Indons like abang.


Re: Vivian Balakrishnan under stress

thats all his own doing. he should have stayed as a practising doctor instead of abandoning the hippocratic oath in order to line his own pockets. i would disown him if he were my son.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Sinkapore says it is okay to breathe haze at PSI 300, M'sia says NO

I kindergarten dropout ...PAP kindergarten some more.

Not stupid lah ...just differing opinions. You want diversity in views, you get it here.

Life is short ...live it up. Don't keh sim leh.

Have always wanted to say it, but never got to. Thank you for the forum.

Stupid fuckturd leongsam should have taken my advice and go stick his head in public toilet bowl to get some brains.
Ah! I forgot in NZ they got no fucking toilet bowls as they do it behind the bushes or on the road side or on the fucking road.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: McDonald's apologises for 'PSI' advertisement

60% vs 40% of Singaporeans have no sense of humor. he..he..

So true. Alamak sinkees don't know how to laugh. Maybe they need Gurmit to make a psi joke, then they can laugh. McDonald's punch line is too chim for sinkees lah.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Bargain Hen talk cock, DISGraceFu joins in, Healthy Minister Gan keeps mum

The Haze Committee look like a bunch of idiots who looked hazed.

To be fair and despite looking hazed and dazed, they came up with a brilliant idea to mobilise the RCs and the SAF to distribute masks f.o.c to the poor and needy! Oh they also send NEA CEO to lodge a complaint and Vivienne to deliver a PM letter!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Haze causing Companies exposed - should CEO be executed?

I think the important question now is whether Vivian and LHL will honour their word?? They said that they would take these companies to task IF evidence could be presented that they were based in Singapore. So now, what are they going to do? They had better show some balls and take these companies head on. A slap on the wrist won't do. The people are angry.

Ah Looney and that black fuckface Vivian knew it the moment the haze hit that the haze came from the companies controlled by smear of shit on sole of shoe LKY Stinkgapore sovereign funds. Funds from the 500??? 600??? 700??? billions they screwed and fucked from sinkies

All the talk of evidence and evidence nothing but a bastardised wayang wayang that they dance to try to create smokescreen as they do not know what the fuck to do.

We all know LHL and PAP follow the footsteps of LKY and they all lie and lie all the fucking time

So what honouring of words? When those words are worth even less than lies?


Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Haze causing Companies exposed - should CEO be executed?

Many of the Wijaya family members are in singapore.
Go and lynch them and loot their properties.
14 Gallop Road and 28 Nassim Hill are 2 addresses I know.
Feel free to contribute more info.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Bargain Hen talk cock, DISGraceFu joins in, Healthy Minister Gan keeps mum

Some people make a bad bed, they just have to lie in it
― Virginia Euwer Wolff, Make Lemonade

Thanks again to the 60% who voted for this incompetent bunch.
Could a good number of them be queueing outside pharmacies in frustration for the unavailable N95 face mask?
Just heard of an incident this morning at Bukit Panjang where the NTUC Unity opened 1/2 hour late despite a snaking long queue outside for the mask. When told there were no mask available despite waiting for 30 minutes, 2 old men blew their top and shouted at the staff.

What else do we expect from a bunch of people whose focus is on importing foreigners to stay in power.
Now that we are in a crisis, has a single one of these precious FT's stepped forward and contribute any solutions?

I hope these Pinoys, PRC's ,and Indian FT's are choked and smoked thoroughly in their new found paradise.
Anyway the Pinoys are well known to love barbecue's- so I hope they will walk around in the 400 PSI haze and inhale the wonderful bbq smell with the unique Indonesian flavour. If any FT's were to complain, we should tell them to pack up and leave as they are not welcomed in the first place.
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