Yet when one browse thru this forum, those so-called WP "cadres" are boasting that they have known Yaw have been cheating and womanisng.....How can that be ???
The points raised by me throughout the saga is exactly the same as LTK. However, WP made the critical mistake of not giving appropriate comment at the start of the issue. "We don't comment on rumours" doesn't go down well with people.
I have even given the hint of "last chance" for YSL to clarify, never mind whether it is admission or denial. In fact, if you look at the time line of event, I have made timely comments as well as criticisms on what went wrong with WP and YSL management of the crisis.
hahaha....u got to give it to the pratamananyway I concede liao ... even if we say the same thing and i SAY it 1st ... the reaction is totally different...
you say things, people pay attention...
i say thing, kanna zap zap
As for Richard and TRE, Richard Wan will one day learn to be more discerning, but sadly I suspect not without paying a hefty price first. TRE is a volatile site, you're not sure when it will explode one day and drag him into the murky depths. The number rule of engagement is you reveal your ID only when everyone in the room has pledged to do likewise. He's obviously being made up of to front an operation and to bear the mess should they fumble.
Try looking in the mirror the impatient one shouldn't be too far away from you
I seriously wonder what his agenda is now or he felt that a chance at parliament was killed by WP manovering and its payback time. One can still be a strident critic of the opposition but still can keep his dignity.
He does have one serious flaw - being obstinate. The TKL incident told me that he has no clue between loyalty and blind faith. Ramseth knew much better and he should have followed his example. I am sure he never expected the extraordinary outcome of the YSL affair which gave the WP an excellent opportunity to show its colours and fly its flag even his higher.
Suddenly to all the critics, the ball bounced into the PAP court and they cannot find the ball or the bal.
I am sorry to say that, don't be fooled by insects.
Time will tell who are the ones who plotted to undermine WP, even destroying it slowly. Maybe you didn't notice, insects didn't defend YSL nor WP when the issue started, only obsessed with me. That is a good clue to start with.
Goh Meng Seng
Clinton and RonRon are the two best things to happen to this forum. I am sort of convinced that they are totally against the PAP. The way they the paint the PAP even Sear Hock Rong is no up. These guys damage the PAP so badly that I am sure they are trying to figure out what to do.
You were jumping ahead of the bandwagon, baying for blood even before any substantial evidence had surfaced (certainly before the PRC woman surfaced), and then taking credit for what people had said earlier. The entire posture you took suggested someone who had malice in his heart, or an agenda, or someone simply out to stir shit out of jealousy against WP. I'm truly surprised that being a politician for over 10 years you suddenly forgot these basic things.
LTK's "no comment" is perfectly understandable on hindsight because YSL had refused to cooperate with the party. It is not a perfect strategy but it was a good one under the circumstances. I think it would be best if you cut him some slack here. You would have managed it far worse had you been in his position.
hahaha....u got to give it to the prataman
he can start any "cheem" sounding BS thread and all the "insects" will be attracted like flies to "bull shits".....LOL.
Couple of summary points on this affair.
7) Frankly what back stabbing, conspiracy, mole etc?? It just one horny bugger who screwed around too many times and it was bound to come out sooner or later with or without conspiracy, backstabbing, leaks etc
Good summary. The positive contributions came from GD, Ramseth who adapted and played by ear.
Not sure if others noticed this but recently there has been some organised attempt to undermine WP and some of their members in this forum. There are at least two. One with soft touch and the other is too impatient and started to lose his marbles. Not sure if they are working hard for the annual leadership meeting at Buona Vista PA camp or the opportunity to open PAP MPs door. Maybe NTUC voucher.
Me too was taken back,the moment I heard on TV of Chen Show Mao talking about 9 times for PM,a quick mental calculation pretty much puts the amount very close to the committee recommendations.
So,the WP is the sidekick of PAP after-all--a wayang party?
I hope to be proven wrong.Since the smell of betrayal is quite overpowering .
WP win by appealing to the moderates who still want to attract greedy talent...
not by appealing to insects like you .... you really think the galaxy revolved around you....??
I have silently lurked soc.culture.singapore when GMS was the MADCOW.Could not agree with his point of view most of the time.When he equated some forummers here to insects very recently; I truly thought he lost his marbles.
But what he writes today about Chen Show Mao flawed formula ,pretty much makes a lot of sense.Chen Show Mao seems to have sold his soul to the devil.Which reminds me of Vivian Balakrishnan--a guy who came to politics as an idealist youth who wants to change the PAP no time he was singing the LKY tune louder than the devil himself.
I pretty much suspected about the WP intend when Pritam was talking about forming a coalition with the PAP.
It's will be interesting to watch WP future speeches in the parliament.I got this gut feelings the whole affair about loosing Aljunied GRC is according the master plan.When GCT was whining why George Yeo and not WKS ; I already smelt a rat.
Let's see how the drama unfolds.Hey,Sam Leong didn't you warn about politicians as the dirtiest scums on this earth.And did I not agree that politicians are like diapers that need to be changed often for the same reason.
ahkow get it ... you dun.... WP need to appeal least to the hard core opp .... because their loyalty is confirm...
WP is too hare brain socialist.... I want to change the WP from within so that they can be more pro market ....
but I need to do that with socialist front 1st .... still waiting for Chia Ti Lik to accept my membership so that I can transform the SF from within into a Hard COre ROn PAUL free market party 1st
No,I don't think the SDP is a solution to WP;just like many good folks here thinks WP is a solution to PAP.Because politicians are worse than prostitutes.Apology to all prostitutes,since we pay you to f..k you whereas we pay politicians and they f..k us. [/I]"..
another know-it-all faceless netizen who contribute nothing but noise and waste bandwidth .... while even the SDP scums which I most despise are doing something for what they believe in,,,,,
His 2 cents is worth less than Zimbabwean dollar
My 2 cents worth.
Now,the other option open to WP is to hide behind PAP protection.Sort of you scratch my back and I scratch your back thingy.I speculate that is exactly what is going on now behind the scene.Evidence of which were widely seen in the latest parliament debate over PAP ministerial salaries.WP silence was really deafening.Worse,how our MSM is keeping mum on Yaw's gallivanting spree.
I often wondered why our MSM was such a goody good shoe where Yaw's screwing of someone's else wify is a god-sent opportunity to tear WP to pieces.You see,such is really newsorthy by any standard.Not only it boost the sales of our flagging MSM sales,it exposes politicians dirt as an undiluted filthy lot.But both PAP and MSM kept silent.....that is somewhat telling.That a deal had been cut between PAP and WP.
after MSM start whacking .... he turn his target to Sylvia ..... totally no basis......
Among all the dust and smoke we largely forget 1 thing.
Mostly all do.
Who is Sylvia Lim......and what is her role in the image building of Yaw?
Because if anyone's to tell me that Yaw's gallivanting had escaped WP's radar all this while than I say bullocks!
Come on fellas,...can any womanizer operates like a lone ranger?I mean like a spy in the dark,who sits next to you unknown and as a family orientated next door neighbor who takes your children and his to the zoo?Nah !....the profile of a womanizer is indeed loud.And what more the physical profile of Yaw fits very much of a toy boy.The sort older woman likes to keep company with and who sits when the woman cmmands.
So,it would interesting to know what is the relation between a single unmarried older woman who just happens to be also the chairperson of WP and Yaw.
No,I am not kidding.
The rise of Sylvia an Yaw in WP is mired in mystery.Unlike any opposition figures who slought it out to make a mark.Take GMS,for example....years after years and he is still under our harsh scrutiny.
It's time we micro examine Sylvia with the same limelight as Yaw.
OPP and WP supporters should watch Nice-Gook ...
this guy is insidious ...... he put forth very nice arguements and yet during concluding, he will always insinuate some very insidious scenario... with totally no basis at all
A more evolved form of tracytan.... dun believe me .... just look at my track record ..I am better than Gheylex AU
.. this guy discredit WP with no basis by claiming to be so hardcore OPP that SDP all bowed down and worship him.... how can some1 supposely learned be so stupid?
a reall phoney if you ask me,...
What WP can improve on is homework, delivery and for this, either LTK or SL should have been one of the speakers. Or both. Not both stay out.
Don't you think it's rather glaring?
In football terms,can you think of any team pitting for the world cup where the goalie and lead forward simply would not want to play?
The question is why.
if WP wan to be an opp forever... they will heed your words...
if they wan to to be a ruling party, they will continue to disgust you....
It's to raise profile of newer ones?....I speculate that precisely what Sylvia Lim is gonna say next.Pls don't underestimate my speculation.I had speculation in this forum 3 years ago, which came right.Right to the last digit how much vote PAP will garner and how many GRC will the opposition get in 2011 GE.I was damn right.My speculation was startlingly close to reality not because I got this hotline between myself and tua pek kong.But somehow,I can see through all this political drama.
Now,ask yourself is this the time to raise the profile of the new ones?Does PAP takes such chances?....In fact the devil himself,LKY lah spoke on this subject.Because this subject about our minister's obscene pay packet in not limited to Singapore's gallery per ce.It's a talk that raises global eyebrows.It's a subject the world world watches.Because politicians around the world wants to know how PAP pulls off hoodwinking it's populace,so that they can too follow the lead.While the world citizenry wants to know how we as citizens can swallow such gobbledygook.
What makes PAP tick,the world wants to know.
And Sylvia Lim wants to test the newer ones at this crucial times?
Now,talking about Sylvia Lim,I have absolute disgust for her.I have been a fiery critic of PAP in this forum.But Sylvia Lim is by far a worse animal than LKY.By her mere act of defending our beholden judiciary.Even if she had an axe to grind with JBJ or disagreed with other oppositions there is absolutely no need to defend the devil itself.Her action is totally unwarranted.She had choice but she chose to be with the devil.As a matter of fact,Sylvia defense of of our beholden judiciary is a gross injustice to the likes of Chia Thye Poh and many others whose entire life along with their families too were ruined.I don't know how she can sleep peacefully with such a record.
Sylvia has donated thousands to JBJ.... what have you done for JBJ ??? tell me?
if Chia Thye Poh is minister, and LKY is ousted ... you think LKY will be alivem much less rotting in a jail.... the fact is the Chia Thye Poh ... loser get eaten.,... simple as that...
bleeding liberal idealists like you and Chia Thye Poh always end up as ultimate losers in life.... no big surprise there,....
If Richard was asked what was his biggest achievement since becoming an activist. He probably wonder and realise that it has to be the YSL exposure and the bringing down of an Non-PAP Opposition MP.
Without TRE, YSL episode would not have come out. TNP got the scoop but never said anything. SBF is very protective of the fledging opposition. Yes, pro- Singapore, pro-transparency, pro- accountability and everything to force the PAP to come clean.
I thought they can mean the same thing?yes character defects, not moral defects....
I thought they can mean the same thing?
("3. moral or ethical quality: a man of fine, honourable character.")
How and what to comment without evidence? The circumstantial evidence came only when the PRC woman accepted a press interview.
What's your foresight? No opposition members and not even PAP members have any case to begin with or to rest, except LHL as PAP Sec-Gen and KBW as PAP Chair uttered some nonsense since they had to in their ruling party positions after YSL expulsion was announced. Then, Speaker of Parliament Palmer followed constitutional procedure to allow YSL a week to appeal without prejudging anything. I wasn't surprised, neither do I blame them. But you? What has it got to with you?
...长 江 后 浪 催 前 浪, 世 上 新 人 赶 旧 人 ....
7) Frankly what back stabbing, conspiracy, mole etc?? It just one horny bugger who screwed around too many times and it was bound to come out sooner or later with or without conspiracy, backstabbing, leaks etc