This is quite common in party politics. There is a lot of emotion and passion involved in politics and not everyone can stick to the same agenda. I am also disappointed with him as he should have been above all this having led a political party to its best performance ever. Lets not forget he was instrumental in delivering the scalp of one cabinet minister.
I seriously wonder what his agenda is now or he felt that a chance at parliament was killed by WP manovering and its payback time. One can still be a strident critic of the opposition but still can keep his dignity.
He does have one serious flaw - being obstinate. The TKL incident told me that he has no clue between loyalty and blind faith. Ramseth knew much better and he should have followed his example. I am sure he never expected the extraordinary outcome of the YSL affair which gave the WP an excellent opportunity to show its colours and fly its flag even his higher.
Suddenly to all the critics, the ball bounced into the PAP court and they cannot find the ball or the bal.
I am beginning to suspect that Brocoli may have a point.
Everyone is talking about whether Yaw did right or wrong or whether WP did well or not. Only one person (or fat insect) was more interested in the cause or the source of the news that brought Yaw down - and firmly pointed to someone else.
Now, the person whom he claims brought Yaw down is unlikely to be on talking terms with him or confided in him, so how did the chap know it was him and be so confirmed? Furthermore, he does not dare name the person to date despite being so confirmed. Before Brocoli accused him, no one was pushing it to him and he was already pointing fingers to the "cause". As himself said "此地无银三百两".
There is also the long period/history of engaging the Chinese press that started the news.
There is one more thing. Three women in the whole opposition camp had known Yaw since varsity days - Angela Oon, Frieda Chan and Lee Wai Leng. The first two became "connected" to Yaw's "affair". The third went to NSP and is close to the fat insect, hence spared. All the puzzles seem to fit.
I believe it's not a sole effort but if he managed to "assist" in bringing Yaw down, Yaw was partly to blame for having skeletons. But it's scary, devious insect who does that to his former friends and then, on top of that, tries to frame and link more people who are former friends for his work. Wonder what was Jixiaolan thinking to try and "patch up". And I feel sad for his brother who died for this kind of cause and brother.
I am not trying to bring you into this, Scroobal. Just that at next GE 2016, if you hear forummers who live in the constituency he contest, under whichever opposition party it will be, say they will spoil their vote or vote PAP because of him, please don't blame them or ask them to "look at the bigger picture". Because they might really be looking at the bigger picture.