How scientific can it be when most of the 'evidences' are limited to skulls. Other comparative skeletal material such as the progression of pelvises, knees, hands and feet are equally interesting but they are not part of the significant 'evidences' in the evolution theory. Furthermore, how on earth Charles Darwin knew the age of the fossils to be thousands or millions of years' when carbon-14 dated technology was not discovered until 1940, more than 50 years after the theory of evolution - the Origin of Specie - was published. At best, that was Darwin's guest work. And today, many scientists are questioning the accuracy of using carbon-14 for dating fossils.
Furthermore, as I have mentioned this before here, DNA then was not discovered. It was discovered almost 8 years after the book - the Origin of Specie - was published. In other words, the science of DNA was not part of the assumptions in this theory. But more importantly, we know that DNA is not mere protein or some kind of chemical. It is a biological software language or programming that controlls virtually every component of a living organism from the smallest cell to the largest animal. The question of who wrote this biological software language is conveniently left out. We know that all languages must come from a mind. You may have seen a formula engraved onto a tree like 2+2 = 8, and though this equation doesn't make sense, it still has to come from someone. Hence, how can complex biological software language in the DNA can be created through natural selection process and created out of pure chance. Remember, DNA is not a material thing or a physical object. It is a language that only the best mind could until it.
And I agree. Evolution is not a fairy tale. Rather it is a tale that confuses mankind's identity that we are created in the image of God.
you reference to Darwin's work and relation to his dependence on fossils and DNA are laughable and grossly inaccurate. rotflmao.
so you can use logic to argue against other science theories but you CANNOT use them to analyze your bible? why when it come to superstition stuff, your logic stop functioning? i think you really put 0 + 0 = 1000000000 in your bible. out of nothing, comes everything. no facts needed, just superstitious belief. that is called a DOGMA.