Sorry! You have missed my point! Even with generator, we still cannot see electricity. Generator simply proves the existence of electricity. Repeat - we still cannot see electricity. Though we cannot see God in physical form - for now - but the world has proved His existence many times over. One is in the form of all mother nature, all the creatures around us (including ourselves), all other non-animated things: stars, planets, etc. Second, and I personally think this is the most important, God reveals His existence through His Holy Law and those who disregard His law is doomed. We see this around us. People are living in lawlessness - i don't mean secular law - but God's law and see what is happening now. Take away the Holy Law of God, everything will collapse and the world is indeed collapsing now and at faster rate than ever before because we have taken out the Holy Law of God out of our heart.
The Bible has warned that if you called someone fool or stupid you are in danger of hell fire (Matthew 5:22). But God is never apologetic to call people fool under one condition: The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abonminable works, there is none that doeth good (Psalms 14:1). Matthew 5:22 and Psalms 14:1 imply several lessons for Christians (let me emphaise "For Christians" if you are not, just ignore the lessons):
One, majority of the people in the world are just fools because they believe there is no God. (Are you one of them?)
Two, if you are a child of God, you cannot be a fool; only when you are not. (Are you a child of God?)
Three, hell is real and for people who said there is no God. (Will you be there?)
Four, people who do not believe there is God are corrupt and will do all kind of things; and this is obvious because they have rejected the Holy Law of God. The Holy Law of God proves God existence. (Are you still blind to this?)
hi gay god lover , although we cannot see electricity we can still test electricity to see whether they exists ...can you test god ? try praying to god now can see whether he ask answered your pray ...if god is real ( im fucking him now ) why cant he do anything to me ? . try fucking with electricity and see what happens

1 ) everyone has seen all sorts of "faith healers" who can "heal" the sick. and we all know that this sort of "healing" is quackery. if it were true, then we would not need doctors, hospitals or prescription medicines.
2 ) turning water into wine... doesn't that sound like something that a B-grade David-Copperfield-wannabe magician would do in a nightclub act? there are a dozen ways that you could stage things to make it look like water is turning into wine. there is no reason why a normal person would accept a magic trick as proof that someone is God.
3 ) Neither of these miracles can be scientifically tested today. not one of Jesus' miracles left any tangible evidence for scientists to study .
it is as simple as that. if someone claimed to be God today, you would never believe it if the evidence consisted of faith healing and magic tricks. never. yet billions of people claim that Jesus' faith healing and magic tricks prove that he is God.
let's imagine that Jesus truly is God. what might he have done to prove it? he could have started by taking one of his most famous quotes from the Bible and acting on it. In Matthew 17:20 Jesus says quite clearly:
for truly, i say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
to prove that he is God, Jesus would have moved a mountain. especially since it is so easy. and Jesus would have written something down to explain himself. here's what the first page of Jesus' book might have looked like:
my name is Jesus, and I am God. i know there are a lot of people out there who will doubt that i am god, so let me start off by proving it to you. take a look at Mount Sinai. everyone knows that, until today, Mount Sinai stood near here. it is the mountain where God, my father, gave Moses the Ten Commandments.
Mount Sinai vanished this morning, and what was left in its place was a perfectly smooth, polished stone base measuring four miles square. hundreds of years from now, people will find that Mount Sinai landed near a place that will be called Newark, New Jersey. when scientists dig into the mountain, they will find that the bottom of the mountain is also completely smooth and polished, and that the bottom of the mountain in New Jersey perfectly matches the polished plain nearby. scientists will be able to align the mountain and the plain, looking at it rock crystal by rock crystal at a microscopic level. i have said many times that, if you have faith, you can move mountains. i moved Mount Sinai to show how easy it is, and to prove that i am God.
i know that that may not be enough, so let me offer a second proof. if you draw a circle, you know that there is distance across the circle. let us call it the diameter of the circle. there is also a distance around the outside of the circle. let us call it the circumference. if you divide the circumference by the diameter, you get another number. let us call it Pi, and its first 6 digits are 3.14159. Pi is an irrational number. it is a number that is made up of an infinite number of non-repeating digits.
there will come a day when machines called computers will calculate billions of digits of Pi. if you calculate Pi out to the millionth trillionth digit, here is what you will find:
now, having proven that I am God to any rational being, through my documentable movement of a mountain and through my foreknowledge of Pi at the millionth trillionth position, here is what i want to say to the human race as your creator, and as the creator of the universe...
wouldn't that be awesome and amazing? if we had such a book, and if Mount Sinai had actually moved, then there would be no questions about Jesus. We would all believe that he is God. how could we not? imagine what such a book would say on the following pages. a book like that, I am sure, would leave all of us in awe.
why would Jesus not do that? god, supposedly, has already written a book called the Bible. and God, supposedly, has already done all sorts of things according to that book. god, supposedly, parted the Red Sea, carved the Ten Commandments into stone, went to the trouble to incarnate himself, etc. so why not have Jesus write a book, and leave behind real, tangible evidence for all of us to see?
for any normal, rational person, the reason is obvious , God is imaginary. we would not believe that anyone today is God without concrete proof. Jesus doesn't get a pass because he lived 2,000 years ago. Jesus, if he existed at all, was a human being just like you and me. all of the stories in the Bible are just that , stories. if god is real , you dont need electical power to start up your computer , just pray to your invisibleman and hoping ' he " will start up your pc without any electricity . use your brain ...its obvious you dont have ..