Re: Very Simple To The Duh !
Today’s Scripture Reading [November 13, 2011]
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. [Revelation 13:14-15. KJV]
We all want to live forever, to be immortal. And, actually who doesn’t want to live forever; but is it a blessing to live forever? Yes, it is but only if we can live forever as Bible has described - our eternal life is free from strive, free from all evilness. Certainly we don’t want to end up living forever as biological robot or robot of any kind. Ever since the Garden of Eden when man incurred the death penalty for sin, mankind has wanted to find a way to cheat death and live forever.
Today, mankind places all the trusts on the “god of science” when searching answers and solutions in the hope that these solutions from science can make us all immortal or allow us to indefinitely perpetuate the human race. Looking to science and technology for answers to the problem of humanity will often, if not always, end with disappointment and frustration. For example, the medical science of in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) is now thought to be the answer to the problem of infertility, to the declining birth rate and to someone who would like to have a ‘family’ but still wanting to be remained single has created social and legal issues that both social scientists and legal experts would have never thought of. Just few days ago (the Straits Times November 8, 2011), a prime news with a headline: “Who are the legal parents of IVF children?” has indeed proved to us clearly that using science to solve the problems of humanity – more specifically declining birth rates and infertility as reported in this prime news – has created severe social and legal problems that were never predicted. In spite of the failure to come out with appropriate law to handle the problems associated with IVF, government still allows IVF to take place. The government is now trying to go back in time to have legislations framed up and hope that these social and legal problems can be solved. While IVF can give hope to the childless couples, the science of IVF has progressed to a point whereby even single women can now buy an embryo and implant it into their wombs. It is no consolation that while we have not heard of women giving birth using an embryo acquired from another couple here, there are reports that in other countries unmarried women are buying embryo or use the sperm of a donor in order to give birth to a child. Among other issues associated with IVF is a question that legal experts are asking: Can the child demand that the biological father is his or her legitimate father? This legal question is made more complicated when a woman used an embryo that was fertilised using the eggs from another couple. It must be noted the message today is not on the science of IVF and I want to confess that I have zero training in medical sciences. My message today is simply to highlight the plight of mankind today – we are trusting too much on science to solve our problems and we are simply too ill-prepared to handle powerful knowledge of science!
In February 2011, the Times Magazine published an article titled: “2045 - The Year Man Becomes Immortal”. Among other things, the author of this article predicted that in 35 years, computers will become more intelligent than humans. When that happens, humanity - our bodies, our minds, our civilization - will be completely and irreversibly transformed. According to the author’s calculation, the end of human civilization as we know it is about 35 years away. Computers are getting faster faster – that is the rate at which they are getting faster is increasing. He predicted that if computers are getting so much faster, so incredibly fast, there might conceivably come a moment when they are capable of doing something that are comparable to human intelligence. Computers will then not be just ‘a computing equipment’ but will have all the capabilities of human like driving cars, writing books, making ethical (or unethical) decisions, appreciating fancy paintings, making witty observations at cocktail parties. That will be the moment when computer technology is so advance that they will not be specifically programmed to do specific tasks just like the computers we have today. Instead, they will be able to think by themselves and perhaps for themselves. In short, these computers will share mankind’s conscience. They will be biological robots, and these biological computers or robots will practically be immortal. We might want to take note that what we are seeing now could be the development of a technology that would be used to produce the image of the beast as told in the Book of Revelation 13:14-15. When that occurs, it is likely that mankind would discover that we all are truly ill-prepared to handle technology. Instead of us controlling the technology, we would end up having the technology controling us. It could even come to a point that these biological robots (or beasts) demand to be worshipped upon just as prophesized in the Book of Revelation 13:14-15!
It was told that Albert Einstein had made a remark questioning mankind’s ability to handle the powerful knowledge of science and had expressed doubt that mankind is ready for the powerful knowledge of science. As the story goes, Albert Einstein had successfully discovered a new physics theory. Known as the unified field theory, this theory could unite all the known forces of the universe comprising the nuclear weak force, nuclear strong force, electro-magnetic force and gravity. To prove that his theory works, an experiment famously known as the ‘Philadelphia Experiment’ was conducted in 1943 by a big U.S. navy ship. What Albert Einstein had witnessed in this experiment was something went beyond his wildest imagination – objects, including human became invisible and large object like the navy ship that conducted the experiment was teleported to another harbour many miles away and back to its original harbour in just few seconds. There are several versions of the tale and these include descriptions of serious side effects for the crew. Some crew members were said to have been physically fused to the ship’s bulkheads, while others suffered from mental disorders, and still others supposedly simply vanished. It is also claimed that the ship's crew may have been subjected to brainwashing in order to maintain the secrecy of the experiment. This discovery of Unified Field Theory could have unlocked the secrets of the universe, and successful application of this theory could bring the world into another physical dimension unknown to mankind. Albert Einstein apparently felt that humans were not ready for such powerful knowledge after witnessing the outcomes and the results of the Philadelphia Experiment. Instead of publishing his theory for the scientific community, he chose to hide his discovery because he thought that “humans are not ready for such powerful knowledge.” Whether this is true or not and whether there was indeed a Philadelphia Experiment, no one can really tell. It could just simply a hoax. But we must take serious note of the statement that indeed ‘humans are not ready for such powerful knowledge’ as we can now see how the powerful knowledge of IVF has created havoc in the social and legal fields, and IVF is just one of the many other scientific developments that the negative benefits have severely outweighed the ‘positive’ benefits.
The technology of creating human embryos purely from human eggs, and animal embryos purely from animal eggs is now an ‘obsolete’ technology, it seems. Many scientists around the world – even those in the third world countries – are able to do it. Furthermore, development of this technology has extended to the creation of human-animal embryo. Since 2008 when the British parliament passed the amended law of Human Fertilisation and Embryology of 1990 that allows creation of human-animal hybrid embryos, there are more than 150 human-animal hybrid embryos in laboratories. Some scientists have warned of a nightmare ‘Planet of the Apes’ scenario in which work on human-animal creation has gone too far. Although the current law allows the “human-admixed” embryos created from a combination of human and animal genetic material for research only, but can we trust the scientists that they will not abuse this knowledge, after all we have heard of fertility doctors have unethically using their own sperms to impregnate patients without the patients’ consent. We will be very naïve if we say, yes, we can trust them! The current development in bio-science and bio-technology is simply self-destructive because of mankind’s inability to make righteous and godly moral decisions, and this couldn’t be described better than these words spoken by Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury when he was speaking against the law that allows creation of human-animal embryo: “Man playing God is not a problem about science. It's a problem about our decisions, about the results of science and we shouldn't be so much afraid of science as we should about our own inability to have a clear moral perspective on these matters.”
What then do all these mean to us as children of God? Simple! The answer can be found in Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” We must understand and learn that this gift of eternal life, of real immortality, will happen as described in the Bible (and not as the one being developed by mankind): In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality (1 Corinthians 15:52-53). In short, we are being promised that we will be ‘teleported’ into life-eternal, into the presence of our Living God, and we will be able to experience the full effect of God’s glory. This transformation will give us all the rights to share the inheritance of God’s kingdom. We will be the joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17) and we will be able enjoy all the rights and privileges that come with it, and these obviously include the gift of immortality. It will be the most glorious day for all the saints who have whole-heartedly believed in Jesus, walked the path as directly by Him, and fully trusted His redeeming blood. We must therefore continue to trust in the power of God, and not in the powerful knowledge of science to give us eternal life because it can never. Only the power of God can continually bring spiritual renewal in our lives. We must let the power of God to work in us so that our spiritual renewal process can be fully completed and we will then be transformed and be fully manifested into His sonship with Christ, and this is the moment which God is eagerly waiting for us (1 John 3:1-2; Romans 8:19).
Today’s Scripture Reading [November 13, 2011]
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. [Revelation 13:14-15. KJV]
We all want to live forever, to be immortal. And, actually who doesn’t want to live forever; but is it a blessing to live forever? Yes, it is but only if we can live forever as Bible has described - our eternal life is free from strive, free from all evilness. Certainly we don’t want to end up living forever as biological robot or robot of any kind. Ever since the Garden of Eden when man incurred the death penalty for sin, mankind has wanted to find a way to cheat death and live forever.
Today, mankind places all the trusts on the “god of science” when searching answers and solutions in the hope that these solutions from science can make us all immortal or allow us to indefinitely perpetuate the human race. Looking to science and technology for answers to the problem of humanity will often, if not always, end with disappointment and frustration. For example, the medical science of in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) is now thought to be the answer to the problem of infertility, to the declining birth rate and to someone who would like to have a ‘family’ but still wanting to be remained single has created social and legal issues that both social scientists and legal experts would have never thought of. Just few days ago (the Straits Times November 8, 2011), a prime news with a headline: “Who are the legal parents of IVF children?” has indeed proved to us clearly that using science to solve the problems of humanity – more specifically declining birth rates and infertility as reported in this prime news – has created severe social and legal problems that were never predicted. In spite of the failure to come out with appropriate law to handle the problems associated with IVF, government still allows IVF to take place. The government is now trying to go back in time to have legislations framed up and hope that these social and legal problems can be solved. While IVF can give hope to the childless couples, the science of IVF has progressed to a point whereby even single women can now buy an embryo and implant it into their wombs. It is no consolation that while we have not heard of women giving birth using an embryo acquired from another couple here, there are reports that in other countries unmarried women are buying embryo or use the sperm of a donor in order to give birth to a child. Among other issues associated with IVF is a question that legal experts are asking: Can the child demand that the biological father is his or her legitimate father? This legal question is made more complicated when a woman used an embryo that was fertilised using the eggs from another couple. It must be noted the message today is not on the science of IVF and I want to confess that I have zero training in medical sciences. My message today is simply to highlight the plight of mankind today – we are trusting too much on science to solve our problems and we are simply too ill-prepared to handle powerful knowledge of science!
In February 2011, the Times Magazine published an article titled: “2045 - The Year Man Becomes Immortal”. Among other things, the author of this article predicted that in 35 years, computers will become more intelligent than humans. When that happens, humanity - our bodies, our minds, our civilization - will be completely and irreversibly transformed. According to the author’s calculation, the end of human civilization as we know it is about 35 years away. Computers are getting faster faster – that is the rate at which they are getting faster is increasing. He predicted that if computers are getting so much faster, so incredibly fast, there might conceivably come a moment when they are capable of doing something that are comparable to human intelligence. Computers will then not be just ‘a computing equipment’ but will have all the capabilities of human like driving cars, writing books, making ethical (or unethical) decisions, appreciating fancy paintings, making witty observations at cocktail parties. That will be the moment when computer technology is so advance that they will not be specifically programmed to do specific tasks just like the computers we have today. Instead, they will be able to think by themselves and perhaps for themselves. In short, these computers will share mankind’s conscience. They will be biological robots, and these biological computers or robots will practically be immortal. We might want to take note that what we are seeing now could be the development of a technology that would be used to produce the image of the beast as told in the Book of Revelation 13:14-15. When that occurs, it is likely that mankind would discover that we all are truly ill-prepared to handle technology. Instead of us controlling the technology, we would end up having the technology controling us. It could even come to a point that these biological robots (or beasts) demand to be worshipped upon just as prophesized in the Book of Revelation 13:14-15!
It was told that Albert Einstein had made a remark questioning mankind’s ability to handle the powerful knowledge of science and had expressed doubt that mankind is ready for the powerful knowledge of science. As the story goes, Albert Einstein had successfully discovered a new physics theory. Known as the unified field theory, this theory could unite all the known forces of the universe comprising the nuclear weak force, nuclear strong force, electro-magnetic force and gravity. To prove that his theory works, an experiment famously known as the ‘Philadelphia Experiment’ was conducted in 1943 by a big U.S. navy ship. What Albert Einstein had witnessed in this experiment was something went beyond his wildest imagination – objects, including human became invisible and large object like the navy ship that conducted the experiment was teleported to another harbour many miles away and back to its original harbour in just few seconds. There are several versions of the tale and these include descriptions of serious side effects for the crew. Some crew members were said to have been physically fused to the ship’s bulkheads, while others suffered from mental disorders, and still others supposedly simply vanished. It is also claimed that the ship's crew may have been subjected to brainwashing in order to maintain the secrecy of the experiment. This discovery of Unified Field Theory could have unlocked the secrets of the universe, and successful application of this theory could bring the world into another physical dimension unknown to mankind. Albert Einstein apparently felt that humans were not ready for such powerful knowledge after witnessing the outcomes and the results of the Philadelphia Experiment. Instead of publishing his theory for the scientific community, he chose to hide his discovery because he thought that “humans are not ready for such powerful knowledge.” Whether this is true or not and whether there was indeed a Philadelphia Experiment, no one can really tell. It could just simply a hoax. But we must take serious note of the statement that indeed ‘humans are not ready for such powerful knowledge’ as we can now see how the powerful knowledge of IVF has created havoc in the social and legal fields, and IVF is just one of the many other scientific developments that the negative benefits have severely outweighed the ‘positive’ benefits.
The technology of creating human embryos purely from human eggs, and animal embryos purely from animal eggs is now an ‘obsolete’ technology, it seems. Many scientists around the world – even those in the third world countries – are able to do it. Furthermore, development of this technology has extended to the creation of human-animal embryo. Since 2008 when the British parliament passed the amended law of Human Fertilisation and Embryology of 1990 that allows creation of human-animal hybrid embryos, there are more than 150 human-animal hybrid embryos in laboratories. Some scientists have warned of a nightmare ‘Planet of the Apes’ scenario in which work on human-animal creation has gone too far. Although the current law allows the “human-admixed” embryos created from a combination of human and animal genetic material for research only, but can we trust the scientists that they will not abuse this knowledge, after all we have heard of fertility doctors have unethically using their own sperms to impregnate patients without the patients’ consent. We will be very naïve if we say, yes, we can trust them! The current development in bio-science and bio-technology is simply self-destructive because of mankind’s inability to make righteous and godly moral decisions, and this couldn’t be described better than these words spoken by Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury when he was speaking against the law that allows creation of human-animal embryo: “Man playing God is not a problem about science. It's a problem about our decisions, about the results of science and we shouldn't be so much afraid of science as we should about our own inability to have a clear moral perspective on these matters.”
What then do all these mean to us as children of God? Simple! The answer can be found in Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” We must understand and learn that this gift of eternal life, of real immortality, will happen as described in the Bible (and not as the one being developed by mankind): In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality (1 Corinthians 15:52-53). In short, we are being promised that we will be ‘teleported’ into life-eternal, into the presence of our Living God, and we will be able to experience the full effect of God’s glory. This transformation will give us all the rights to share the inheritance of God’s kingdom. We will be the joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17) and we will be able enjoy all the rights and privileges that come with it, and these obviously include the gift of immortality. It will be the most glorious day for all the saints who have whole-heartedly believed in Jesus, walked the path as directly by Him, and fully trusted His redeeming blood. We must therefore continue to trust in the power of God, and not in the powerful knowledge of science to give us eternal life because it can never. Only the power of God can continually bring spiritual renewal in our lives. We must let the power of God to work in us so that our spiritual renewal process can be fully completed and we will then be transformed and be fully manifested into His sonship with Christ, and this is the moment which God is eagerly waiting for us (1 John 3:1-2; Romans 8:19).
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