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Yawnnnnn.... Amen and merry Xmas....
Today’s Scripture Reading [December 18, 2011]
Second, we need to understand that the Bible makes it very clear that no human has ever seen God because human race is too frail to withstand even looking at God's glorious presence. Even Moses could not see the face of God directly and God revealed to him only in the burning bush (Exodus 3:4). Mortal man is made of flesh and bone and cannot even bear to be in the direct presence of God without causing his immediate death.
with this statement, then no priests, pastors or any believers need to justify god's existence. the onus is not on the atheist NOT to prove god's existence but on the believers.
The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike. by Delos McKown
with this statement, then no priests, pastors or any believers need to justify god's existence. the onus is not on the atheist NOT to prove god's existence but on the believers.
The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike. by Delos McKown
Sorry! Bet to differ! Invisibility does not mean non-existent. For example, no one can see electricity but it exists; no one can see oxygen but it exists; no one can see smell, but it exists; no one can see sound but it exists. Our experience in God's presence and our encounter with Him, for now, is not in physical form where people can see Him but believers will see Him one day when they are fully redeemed into His kingdom.
We know there is electricity not because we can see electricity but because we know without electiricity there will be light; we know there is oxygen not because we can see oxygen because science has proved that withouth is gas, life cannot exist (although I must say some organism can only survive with other gases like carbon dioxide which we cannot see too); we know there is smell though we cannot see it - this needs no further explanation; all you need is not to bath yourself for a month and you will know the kind of smell of your body! (Note: I may overestimate your hygiene. Perhaps for you, it may just take only one day for you to go without bathin to discover the aweful smell of yours. Perhaps you just want to experiment it but for courtesy sake, you should experiment it with you family members and not with your friends. I can be 100% sure - whatever smell radiate from your body, you cannot see it but you know it's there!)
We cannot see God not because God does not exist. He exists in the form of Holy Spirit to guide us and unless we obey His guidance, His instructions, His commandments, we will be doomed and we are heading towards this now because we all have refused His guidance, His instructions, His commandments. Like electicity, if you refused to obey the law of physics and touch a 'live' wire, you will be electrocuted; like the law of chemistry, if you refused to obey the basic law of chemistry and cut yourself out from oxygen you are going to die. To survive, phyiscally and spiritually, we must obey the laws - in the case of physical survival, the laws of physics, the laws of chemistry, the laws of biochemistry and all other natural laws of science, and in the case of spiritual survive, the laws from the Holy Scriptures that we can find them in the Bible. The inspired-Word of God, the Bible proves His existence. Like the inspired-writing of Albert Einstein's famous E=MC(Squared) proved the existence of nuclear energy; whether nuclear bombs have been invented or not is not important to prove the existence of nuclear energy exists in all atoms. Just the inspired-writting of Albert Einstein is enough to prove the existence of energy exists in all atoms.
God Bless
hi you are correct. it is difficult to prove god's existence if we had to show a visible ' person ' of God.
But God has left enough evidence of himself for us to see in nature and in creation. For those who believe , it is there to see. For those who dont then they will look for other means to explain creation. So ultimately faith is still required, either in God or in science or whatever.
with this statement, then no priests, pastors or any believers need to justify god's existence. the onus is not on the atheist NOT to prove god's existence but on the believers.
Putting up funny videos can be done it the name of fun in a forum like this, but won't help anyone.
People like the late Christopher Hitchens tried to put up some credible defense, to his credit.
you mean blind faith ?
nothing is more funny then believing in the invisibleman![]()
It is stated in Genesis that the God in main monotheistic religions is a creator of all things and in Romans 1:20, Paul wrote that the best evidence of God was looking around us - His creations. In a way, someone in an earlier post is right that electricity can be proven not in the manner of proving God, but no one can prove that electricity can arrive from millions of years of evolution or that something can come out of nothing. In fact, you don't even need to proof something illogical.
" you don't even need to proof something illogical " . i like that statement![]()
you mean blind faith ?