agreed ..older people are delusion ...theres nothing wrong with being expressive in languages ...dont act as if you dont know forum people . fuck you understand ? :oIo:

This small tribe of Judea people had caused the Romans so much problems during their occupation of Jeruselum. The Book of Bible was written by the Romans to mock back at the Jews and uses Jesus as example of a failure of a messiah King of the Jews (presumably from line of King David not because King to reign over the Romans) to come to fulfill the holy scriptures according to the prophecies of thier prophets. Unfortunately God is God and God don't follow men scriptures and prophecies and God don't have to save Jesus. Jesus lan lan die for nothing.
Scriptures are written by men, not discovered. If scriptures were written by God it should be found and discovered, not simply written by men.
Why was the Bible wrriten based on Jesus? Perphas it was to mock at the Jews as there was another Jewish revolt lead by Simon ben Kosiba in AD 132 where this tribe really defeated the Romans and free Jerusalem for 3 years.
The Romans lost 2/3 of their army resources to gain back and occupy Jeruselum. Probably tu lan with this incidence the Roman came up with a Bible to shame the Jews using Jesus as the loser and tu lan make Jesus a God also and put him same level as the God Yehweh (to piss the Jews). So God Yehweh is also God Jesus and Jesus is also Lord, Elijah, Elohim and finally put them in a bowl they have Rojak God. Then they, the Romans, beat up God Jesus and as such they beat up God Yehweh and make the Jews lagi fucking tu lan.
Probably until now the Italians still tu lan the Jews and are at odd with the Jews and still fighting with them and start WWII. This Italian-Romans neber forigve this small Judea tribe for causing so many problems during their Roman occupation of Jerusalem and will continue to quarrel with the Jews till today.
Why don't the Roman uses Simon, recognised by the Jews as the real Messiah, and hail Simon a hero? Well if use Simon the Romans only make a mockery of themselves. The Romans cleverly combined the Bible with Jews OT and mixed it with a NT using their Greco-Roman believe in their Gods which includes holy spirits, make Jesus a God (to make the Jews tu lan), Kingdom of God/ heaven as place above the sky with many levels of heavens which has the different meaning to the Jews, and use Paul and Jesus as their storyline and lastly to show the prophecy from the holy scriptures in the OT was not fulfilled (malu lah, si bey lau kwee).
As I said, just pray to your first ancestor and you will be doing fine.