Actually the big question is why is there a need for judgement day if Jesus has already paid for the sins of mankind?
This is to me one of the many many illogical concepts in Christianity.
If Jesus had already died and cleansed us of our sins then really the judgement day argument does not hold. For what is there to judge anymore unless you say our sins arent truly forgiven in which case they crucufied Jesus in vain.
So who is judgement day for and for what will the people be judged?? Are they are going to be judged by their deeds or their belief? cos belief is very straightforward either you are a christian or youre not.
Again i put to you to really search your soul and ask yourself ...Can someone really die and pay for the sins of others? Can you put to death an innocent being for a murder he did not commit?
that is your first and foremost question you have to sincerely answer because it is simply not reasonable nor is it comprehensible that GOD Almighty punishes an innocent being in order to let the guilty ones go free.
I know your answer will be like we are humans we do not know what God has in His Big plans.BUt one thing we do know is that God will never ever be irrational and He will never be unjust.So is it just to make an innocent person pay for the guilty ones? no court in the world will do this and if there ever is a judge who does this you can conclude there must be some corruption involved or that the judge has made a mistake.
And then again the Christian argument is to say that it wasnt an ordinary person who died it was the Son of God who was erm actually God himself..He just came as His Son so that He can die and purify the world of their sins.So the irrationality builds up ..I ask then if God was His Son and HIs Son was God? and so God died?? can God die? when He died who was in power for three days and three nights? the Father you say so then they are different entities the Father is not the Son and neither is the Son the Father.
"I and my Father are One" can thus only mean one in purpose not in person or being..otherwise the above paragraph will continue to dog and confuse you.and finally GOD ALmighty is not the author of confusion!
Thank you
Dear guy-uninterrupted,
Wouldn't you find it very intriguing on those questions you raised? How come for ages people have sacrificed animals to atone their sins but they were and still are so readily believed that the blood of animals can be a sacrifice and appease gods. People like you, for example, don't seem to bother to ask about animal sacrifice but when we share the message of Jesus, the Son of God, is used as sacrificial Lamb, you have such great disagreement. (My apologies to those who are involved in animal sacrifices but I am just sharing some of my thoughts. I don't mean to be little those who believe in animal sacrifices.)
Base on your argument, no man can pay the sin for others, then how come animal can atone or pay the sin for others? You should be asking this question.
Another intriquing thing is that we are in danger of causing religious disharmony when we tell people animal sacrifice is not to be practiced, but when others tell Christians that it is pure nonsense for God to become a Man and to die for the sin of mankind, it seems that this is ok; they are not causing any religious disharmony.
[Another thousand apologies to the Taoists especially those who believe in animal sacrifice. I respect your belief but I am just illustrating my point that there are many standards of treatment when it comes to religion belief.]
Another point - God is an awesome God, I believe you want to reject this but let's be frank - there are many things even greatest scientists cannot understand. Even Albert Einstein is thought to have made mistakes in some of his scientific writing. How could we understand God and His creation, the concept of trinity when it is quite clear is that God is made up of the Father, the Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. When Jesus came down to earth, He is the Second Person in the Trinity and there are still God the Father and the Holy Spirit governing the universe.
The awesomenss of the universe is too big for us to understand just the minute size of sub-atomic particles are too small for us to comprehend. Until now, scientists could not know how big the unverse is, how many stars are they in the universe, how many universes are there, how small is the smallest particle, even the sub-atomic particles are still not the smallest particle and how far can you keep splitting up an atom. No scientists can give you this answer and yet we all keep wanting to question God who created all these. If they cannot understand the creation, how could we understand fully our Creator. Simple logic, isn't it?
In one of the verses, we are told that God is omni-presence. He can be everywhere at the same time. People just laugh at this - how could it be. But now science has proved that if you split an atom to the smallest possible size, and it will become a state that 'looses it's locality' which means that it will be everywhere. I don't mean that is what God is but what I am trying to say is that whatever taught in the Bible, overtime science has confirmed that such things can happen. Though splitting atom to the smallest particle cannot be done physically (for now) but mathematically scientists can prove that it can be done for theoretical standpoint and when this happens, that particle will appear everyhere. Just go to Google and search of this and you can see for youself on this topic.
So is virgin birth. Hundred years ago, people just laugh but now we know that virgin birth is possible through IVP. Again, what we read and understand from Bible, science has proved that this can be real. The question is how the Holy Spirit helped in the conception of the virgin birth of Jesus. Just like if you are not a scientist, no amount of explanation can fully let you understand how IVF work. So, we just can't understand the conception of the virgin birth because that was done by God Himself. We will however one day understand once we are fully redeedmed and all these will be revealed to us - God's awesomeness, God's holiness, the vastness of the universe, the number of stars, the virgin birth, the resurrection, etc. Christians are looking forward to this revelation and we too would like to spread His message so that you can be part of His revelation.
I know you are one of those who ask civilized questions but human mind is too finite to understand God's awesomeness. He is simply infinite.
God Bless