[Please use the message here as the Lord leads, but nothing on the message must be used for profit!]
Today’s Scripture Reading [September 19, 2010]
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. [Revelation 1:1-3. KJV]
Apostle John, the author of the Book of Revelation, was jailed and banished to the island of Patmos for 18 months. He wrote the Book of Revelation when he was about 92 years old, while a prisoner of Rome on this remote desert penal colony of Patmos, an island in the Aegean Sea. It was on this island of Patmos during a Sunday that John wrote down in a scroll of what "he saw and heard". John's sworn testimony about how he received these God’s messages is given in the first chapter of the Book of Revelation.
The island of Patmos where John was banished to was a quarry mine for the Roman Empire, and was home to many political and religious prisoners or slaves. The conditions there were anything but harsh. John, the beloved apostle of Jesus, was being held as a prisoner of Rome on this island for his incessant preaching about Jesus. Rome believed that banishing the old man John to the remote and forsaken island of Patmos, that his voice would be quieted. John was very old, and close to the end of his life, probably sent to Patmos in the year 95 by the Roman emperor Domitian who reigned from A.D. 81 to A.D. 96. Emperor Domitian was reportedly angry at the fact that John was not killed when he was dipped in boiling oil. Since John was a contemporary of Jesus, John would have been by that time, well over 90 years old, making him very likely the only apostle to survive to such an old age. The rest of Jesus apostles and disciples were martyred decades earlier. It was as if God supernaturally preserved John to bare record of The Revelation!
John's love for Jesus was so strong, that he continued to defy the Roman magistrate's order to stop proclaiming Jesus as Messiah, Savior and Lord even while a prisoner. On Patmos, John was thrown in with violent criminals, but simply won many of the criminals to faith in Jesus.
Taking the actual historical events into consideration and the dates that surround those events during the reign of Roman emperor Domitian, the Book of Revelation could only be completed after A.D. 80. This Book reveals to us many great divine truths of:
• The Person of Jesus Christ in His glorious form
• The events that must soon take place before the coming of Jesus Christ
• The danger of sin and the need for holiness
• The glory and majesty of God, of the Person, Jesus Christ
• The end of human history as we know it
• The Great White Throne Judgment
• The ultimate victory of Jesus Christ
• The ultimate defeat of Satan
• The final eternal state of the wicked
• The final eternal state of the righteous
It is particularly interesting and scripture-worthy to note that the Book of Revelation is the unveiling work of God to finally close the human history and to begin His Kingdom of peace, of righteousness and of holiness. We can see that God oscillates this message of revelation back and forth between the Heaven and the earth. Starting from what John saw in Heaven in chapter 1, the letters to His seven churches on earth in chapter 2 and 3, the message moved back to the Heaven in chapter 4-5 concerning worship that taken place in the Heaven, the Scroll and the Lamb of God; it then came back to the earth again in chapter 6-7 concerning the opening of the Seals which will send apocalyptic events that the world has never known like wide-spread famine, earthquake, etc, and the gathering of the 144,000 Jewish converts. This pattern of His message oscillating between the Heaven and the earth continues throughout the Book of Revelation just as Jesus has told us categorically in the Lord’s Prayer that “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).”
Given our foreknowledge of what God has installed for us and that the clock of God is moving faster than ever before, we must learn to apply the following lessons that we can learn from this Book:
• To live a godly and holy live and to be at peace with God;
• To be ready to receive our King Jesus;
• To look forward and to be focused without loosing sight of Him because of our afflictions;
• To be bold in our faith and in our witness by sharing His Gospel with our friends and relatives;
• To be a blessing to others.
For many years, the Book of Revelation was one of the least understood books among the 66 books of the Bible. But why is the Book of Revelation now so intensely studied and researched into by Bible scholars all over the world as compared to the Bible scholars a century ago? The answer is very simple. Throughout this Book, the use of imagery puts many people off reading it, especially those early Christians who lived 100 years’ ago. Sadly, some viewed these imageries as fairy tales so much so that there were even Bible scholars who felt that the Book of Revelation should not be part of the Bible. This was because they couldn’t understand the ‘imagery language’ used. For example in Revelation 13:16-18, we are told that unless we have received the Mark of the Beast or the number of his name, 666, we will not be able to buy and sell. Taking into the context that one of the primary goals of the devil is to control human economic activities, the Mark of the Beast, 666, is now widely accepted by Bible scholars as a form of very advanced digital numbering system such as the current Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and the microchip technology that can miniaturize microchip to the size of a grain of sand, small enough to be inserted into the skin. This miniaturized microchip combined with the RFID technology can easily replace our credit cards and cash cards that many are so dependent upon for shopping that they “cannot leave their home with it”. We can now easily connect this technological advancement that will finally rule the business world to what is told to us in Revelation 13: 16-18: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).”
(If you are interested in this topic, go to the Youtube and search for key words like: RFID, bible prophecy, Revelation and you will be shocked at what you see or hear! Please be warned that this is not for the faint-hearted!).
Another reason why even early Bible scholars were skeptical of the Book of Revelation was that it has mentioned certain catastrophic events - such as the destruction of seas in which one-third of marine creatures died (Revelation 8:8-9) which many early Christians thought were merely symbolic and couldn't really take place. Not anymore now. The BP oil leak and the possibility of a nuclear war that have great effect on living creatures both on earth and in the sea indicate to us that such events can happen and at anytime! Just go to the Straits Times last week and you could see a photograph of million of fish died along the beach of the Gulf of Mexico where the oil leak is!
In Revelation 1:3, we are told to read, to hear and to keep these teachings because the time is at hand. We must therefore be careful not to be influenced by critics who giving us false teachings. Right before your eyes, you can read from a critic here who is telling us that “the Book of Revelation was not about today's tomorrow but prediction of the Jewish Revolt War from A.D. 66 to A.D. 73.” He continued that “the number 666 was Apostle John’s prediction of a war in year A.D. 66 and it would happen on the reign of the 6th Emperor of Rome, Nero.” This critic seems to imply that ‘666’ was invented by Apostle John as a symbol to foretell the Jewish Revolt War in A.D. 66 on the reign of the 6th Emperor of Rome, Nero. While the numeric combination of these two events worked out to be ‘666’ and looks deceivingly convincing, it is far from the truth. To begin with, when the Book of Revelation was written, it was written by John in the island of Patmos, and as mentioned in my introductory paragraph, Apostle John was banished by Roman emperor Domitian who reigned from A.D. 81 to A.D. 96 long after emperor Nero died. Since emperor Nero reigned as emperor of Roman from A.D. 54 to A.D. 66, it follows that the Book of Revelation was written after the death of emperor Nero. It is like predicting in 2010 to tell the world that ‘Obama will win the U.S. presidential election in 2008!’ This does not make any chronological sense!
Throughout the Bible, the number six (6) has been regarded as the number of man. (You too will note that the Sixth Commandment of God’s Law relates to the worst sin – murder: Thou shall not murder (Exodus 20:13). The number ‘666’ is God’s revelation to John that unless people during the great tribulation have taken this Mark of the ‘perfectly imperfect’ man, they will not be able to buy and sell.
Another important point to note is that the use of B.C. and A.D. notations in the calendar was only proposed for adoption by a monk, named Dionysius Exiguus in A.D. 525. Though Exiguus had used it himself to records events using the notations of B.C. and A.D, it was not widely accepted by others until much later. So the question is: How could Apostle John came out with the idea of the number 666 to indicate or to foretell that the “a war in year A.D. 66 and on the reign of the 6th Emperor of Rome, Nero?” The system of notation was not even in used during Apostle John’s time! From cover to cover, the Bible had never used B.C. or A.D. notation. How then could Apostle John connect this number 666 to the so-called predicted war of the Jewish Revolt War in A.D. 66? In fact, if it did, it too must be a miracle in the making because A.D. notation was not ‘invented’ until after A.D. 525 and yet Apostle John knew it more than 450 years in advance!
Historically, before the notations of B.C. and A.D. were adopted most empires had their own unique calendar systems. For example in China, each time a new emperor was installed, it would concurrently commensurate a new calendar system; thus when Emperor Kangxi started his reign, the Chinese oracles that recorded important events from the year when Emperor Kangxi was being installed as emperor would be read: “In the 5th year, the 5th month of Emperor Kangxi…...” and the dating-system would change when another emperor reigned. Thus, during the reign of Emperor Qianlong, the Chinese oracles that recorded important events from the year when Emperor Qianlong was being installed as emperor would be read: “In the 5th year, the 5th month of Emperor Qianlong……” This calendar notation system, however, was only unique and peculiar to a particular nation, like in the example above, only for the Empire of China.
It must be realized that never had an earthly emperor, nor an earthly king, nor any earthly person whose year of coronation (or birth) had been so significant that the year of his coronation (or his birth) was used as a calendar notation system on a global scale. There is none but one in the whole history of humanity - the birth year of Jesus which is used as a global calendar system to record all world events of the past, the present and the future! This global calendar notation system of B.C. and A.D. is used by all nations of all religious faiths. This is one of the greatest testimonies testifying to the world that Jesus will eventually reign as King of kings and Lord of lords and that at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord (Philippians 2:10-11). Regardless of your religious belief system, consciously or unconsciously you invoked His name every time you write a letter, every time you send an email, every time you SMS a short message, every time you execute a business transaction, every time you blaspheme His name - just about everything we do every time. As I am writing this message and posting it here, I have to invoke the name of Jesus: Today’s Scripture Reading message is written on September 19, 2010, in the Year of Our Lord Jesus!
The reign of our King of kings and Lord of lords is going to begin sooner than we can expect. As the world begins to wind down, as believers, we will not be looking for something to happen but for SOMEONE to come and redeem us. We must therefore work out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippines 2:12) and wait patiently for the Lord to live like He is coming anytime! This is what the Book of Revelation is all about – it is about the Person of Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe who will be here on earth sooner than we can expect! For many who read this Book, this may seem to be a book of gloom and doom, but for all true believers, this is a book of greatest hope that will outshine any other things that we could ever hope or wish for!