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today is bachang day?

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
She was dead many moons ago... that's yr mother u fucked... oh... dear...
LOL!... See how ingrate you are to curse your mother? LOL!.... She begs me to fuck her while she was alive and ingrates like you made her kill herself. LOL!...


I learned how to wrap the dumplings from my grandmother. In the past, my granny simply used braised pork belly, braised mushrooms, chestnut, salted duck egg yolk, and haebeehiam.

Now I added dried scallops instead of the haebeehiam for that umami, the rest of the ingredients pretty much the same. Just wrap for fun lah :coffee::coffee::coffee:


the nonya style added blue pea is sweeter knn

your Unker or Auntie got make
bak chang boh?




KNN yesterday my uncle wanted to buy from neighbourhood dian xin stall all bak kind of bak zhang sold out left tou sa kind so he never buy and don't know how to make . Chao sinkies leelee all fast hand. Have to wait normal day then buy KNN


Juz like bak kwa knn
Cny then long Q knn