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To Islamophobes That Ridicule Prophet Muhammad for Marrying Aisyah, Here is the Rabbi Giving Reasons Why Isaac Married 3 Year Old Rebecca


What’s the pint of marrying young inexperienced virgins?

Matured experienced wives are far better in servicing you without the need to teach them how.


Modern days islamic believers are emulating the pedo prophet in having and wanting under age brides. Those "wanting" but cannot have sickos are deterred by secular law. Syed would have 10 underage hui gals if not for secular law deterrence .

syed putra

Modern days islamic believers are emulating the pedo prophet in having and wanting under age brides. Those "wanting" but cannot have sickos are deterred by secular law. Syed would have 10 underage hui gals if not for secular law deterrence .
I wouldn't classify 15-16 year olds as underage. It's the best age to get married.
But our gomen deter this by ensuring these girls are stuck in classes until 22.


Modern days islamic believers are emulating the pedo prophet in having and wanting under age brides. Those "wanting" but cannot have sickos are deterred by secular law. Syed would have 10 underage hui gals if not for secular law deterrence .
Instead of comparing with 1 old testament prophet...why don't compare with Jesus...what he did vs the mudslime prophet...clear as night and day

Vlad Tepes

There's no such thing as Islamophobes. Only pork lovers and pork adverse. The former term is a shaming language to silence free speech.



Instead of comparing with 1 old testament prophet...why don't compare with Jesus...what he did vs the mudslime prophet...clear as night and day
You claim Jesus as god. So Jesus authorized in the old testament to kill man and women, mother and child, old and young, donkeys and sheep.
Explain how your version of Jesus is not violent?


I wouldn't classify 15-16 year olds as underage. It's the best age to get married.
But our gomen deter this by ensuring these girls are stuck in classes until 22.

In the broader sense, I won't consider 16 year old as underage for marriage. But a 9 year old, even if she reached puberty is no no for sex in most civil societies. Especially, she is still playing with dolls.