Just saw TJS on TV. The first thing he should do is work on his image. Farker has a forced smile that doesn't look sincere at all.
Yeah his look is a problem. The guy's delivery isn't bad though.
Just saw TJS on TV. The first thing he should do is work on his image. Farker has a forced smile that doesn't look sincere at all.
Yeah his look is a problem. The guy's delivery isn't bad though.
A Singaporean First Party plays directly into the hands of the PAPzis. One crucial strategy of the PAPzis continued stay in power is the votes of new shitizens. What the PAPzis have done is to deliberately create a great divide between new shitizens and true blue Singaporeans. By supporting new shitizens and foreigners, the PAPzis deliberately created a hate frenzy between the two groups by instigating Singaporeans to cry out against foreigners. The net result of this strategy is new shitizens voting for the PAPzis who they see as protecting them. The PAPzis are confident that they have a solid pool of 40%+ of votes. With votes from new shitizens they expect to scrape through again with about 55% of votes and a more than 2/3 majority in parliament.
TJS has just further entranched the PAPzi strategy of divide and conquer of new shitizens and Singaporeans. When it comes time to vote, of course do not vote for the PAPzis as there is still a good change that they can all be voted out with a Singaporean based vote swing of 10-15%. Vote for alternative candidates even if you think they are stooges. If these people want to hang themselves in front of the public then it is our job to give them the rope and even help them to tie the noose when required. The first job must not be forgotten and that is to vote out the PAPzis, log stock and barrel.
I don't really subscribe to this conspiracy theory. I can attest that the govt is making a lot of effort towards integrating foreigners and citizens. I read confidential email of MDA guideline to MSM, even at one point help to vet their propaganda (and vomit blood). Just for the S50 celebration, MCYS is spending more than $10m on propaganda. All these efforts are gear towards educating sinkies that our ancestors were once migrants themselves and made us more receptive to new immigrants.
Having spent so much resources on integration , do you think it makes sense for PAP to counter their own effort by sending moles to polarise the society in this direction?
The colonel is nearing 70.
Some observations about Singaporeans First:
1. Starting out with no Indians but that situation might change by the GE after a recruitment drive.
2. Ex PAP credentials heavily sold but in reality 7 out of 11 were from opposition parties. 3 SDP/NSP, 2 DPP, 1 WP, 1 SPP.*Which makes SF similar to NSP or Socialist Front than RP which recruited freshmen from the market.
3. The team lacks people for legwork and organizing. Other than Patrick Loke who ran TJS presidential campaign, the rest in their past parties have no record. Fahmi Rais is a proverbial organization collector. Check his background and it'll tell you that he was from SDP and NSP for short times without showing up for anything. The colonel is nearing 70. The 2 ex DPP chaps hopped on without doing anything for DPP in the last one year.
4. TJS's leadership is the key factor and remains to be seen. You don't need KJ to stunt your party; even Chiam faced the problem. It will depend on how he meets the expectations of his members. His credentials are exceptional, but so is CSM and people do criticize CSM all the same. Already, many opposition supporters are expressing disappointment with TJS and he has yet to touch PAP and neutral voters.
So what if there are no indians? Do you think they need to have indians just for the sake of having indians OR ppl that have the caliber and the talent who just happen to be indians.
Seriously i truly find your reasoning to be well stupid. It's like they need to have indians in their party ALL simply because they are indians.
Some observations about Singaporeans First:
1. Starting out with no Indians but that situation might change by the GE after a recruitment drive.
2. Ex PAP credentials heavily sold but in reality 7 out of 11 were from opposition parties. 3 SDP/NSP, 2 DPP, 1 WP, 1 SPP.*Which makes SF similar to NSP or Socialist Front than RP which recruited freshmen from the market.
3. The team lacks people for legwork and organizing. Other than Patrick Loke who ran TJS presidential campaign, the rest in their past parties have no record. Fahmi Rais is a proverbial organization collector. Check his background and it'll tell you that he was from SDP and NSP for short times without showing up for anything. The colonel is nearing 70. The 2 ex DPP chaps hopped on without doing anything for DPP in the last one year.
4. TJS's leadership is the key factor and remains to be seen. You don't need KJ to stunt your party; even Chiam faced the problem. It will depend on how he meets the expectations of his members. His credentials are exceptional, but so is CSM and people do criticize CSM all the same. Already, many opposition supporters are expressing disappointment with TJS and he has yet to touch PAP and neutral voters.
Yeah his look is a problem. The guy's delivery isn't bad though.
Don't worry about spoilers or stooges. Just vote any party that is not pappy party. You can sort out the details later.![]()
It matters..A LOT. The spoiler sent tony tan to istana. If tan jee jay and his team of jokers choose 3-way fight with wp, i hope voters will be wise to see through this despicable trick.
Just saw TJS on TV. The first thing he should do is work on his image. Farker has a forced smile that doesn't look sincere at all.
The real spoiler in the presidential election was Tan Kin Lian. The other three Tans were legit candidates.
I don't really subscribe to this conspiracy theory. I can attest that the govt is making a lot of effort towards integrating foreigners and citizens. I read confidential email of MDA guideline to MSM, even at one point help to vet their propaganda (and vomit blood). Just for the S50 celebration, MCYS is spending more than $10m on propaganda. All these efforts are gear towards educating sinkies that our ancestors were once migrants themselves and made us more receptive to new immigrants.
Having spent so much resources on integration , do you think it makes sense for PAP to counter their own effort by sending moles to polarise the society in this direction?
Goh Meng Seng
You should form a party with this chap:
Mark Andrew Yeo Kah Ch$ng
LOL ....................... LOL