I don’t actually mean “you” as in you, i was referring to China bashers. So when I said respect my origin, it is not pointing to the power/technology/money China has. Simply the fact that my ancestors came from the land, I am yellow skinned, some of us have evolved into improved form whereas some could not get rid of old habits of spitting on concrete or peeing outside MRT station. To be sure I don’t embrace every trait of our ancestors but there are the fine parts like 三从四德 which I find not part of the western culture.
ok so far we are in agreement. there are good parts that are not available in the west for sure. in fact taken as a whole, I like my traditional Chinese culture more than anything the West has to offer.
Therefore whenever I see the relentless bashing of the Chinese govt by people of Chinese origin I asked why? I can understand angmoh attacking Chinese govt to make themselves look good, but why do ethnic Chinese bash Chinese Govt? They have their failings, they are autocratic, they are high handed... but can one really blame the phenomenal spread of the virus in US on China?
I can't speak for anyone else here. only myself and my own perception of the situation. If you love what it means to be Chinese and I mean that in a historical sense with 5000 years of civilization, you will see that the CCP is probably one of the lowest points in the entire history. Like you, I am yellow skinned and have been on the receiving end of tons of shit from everyone for it and like you I couldn't understand why so much of the world including other yellow-skinned people would do that. But after digging at this problem for years, I've found my conclusion and at peace with the causes.
First of all, the whole stupid communist ideology is dreamt up by some lazy ass fame-seeking hypocrite ang moh who never worked a day in his life or responsibly managed workers. The CCP by definition is taking some of the worst the angmoh world has to give and forcing it on the Chinese. Just because it is the only government in China right now and we have a Chinese identity doesn't automatically mean we should go and love them. It's not totally binary only for 1 against another. Why not an alternative? What I would personally like to see is a China with more morals and a government that cares for its people and its actions. That way I can happily go back and explore our homeland. That can't be achieved as long as a communist autocracy is in charge.
This virus is just a test case. treat it as such, but look at the fundaments underlying the problem. Let me put my case in 1 statement. The problem for the Chinese people AND the rest of the world is the CCP. As long as they are in charge, the Chinese are doomed to stall backwards no matter how hard they try to move forwards. The country is doing well as are it's party faithful, but what about the typical person? Why do you think China is growing so fast now? Because the CCP under Mao originally kicked China in reverse for a good few decades. You think the growth trajectory of China is normal? It's a bunch of hiccups and surges depending on CCP control and how much they loosen it.
If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would swear that communist governments are some plot by the west to destroy the potential of Russian and East Asian populations.
Anyway... these type of arguments can go on for days... but thanks for maintaining the civility! Cheers
I come hoping to exchange views and hopefully learn something new. I hope to make every exchange a happy and productive one. Cheers to you for your faith in your people.