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Posted on 22 Sep 2010
This year's F1 road closures cause more jams than previous year's
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Britjit was caught in a jam at Middle Road this morning as roads are closed for the upcoming Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix. She feels the traffic management for last year's event was better.
The STOMPer says:
"The F1 road closures are causing a traffic jam at Middle Road.
"This morning at 8.30am it took me half an hour to travel via bus from Sultan Mosque to Bugis Junction and the jam stretched all the way to Raffles Hotel...
"The roads going to the city are all jammed up. Most of the cars are stationary.
"From the National Library skybridge, I can see Middle Road and small roads which connect to Nicole Highway are all jammed up.
"There are also traffic wardens helping to direct the traffic.
"In the afternoon, the roads are still packed, especially those going towards Marina Square.
"Currently I can hear occassional car horns, perhaps from the drivers who are stuck in the jams from the small lanes exiting Victoria Street / Middle Road / Bras Basah Road.
"Three lanes became one lane due to the road closure, and traffic is unable to pass through the Esplanade as the road is closed.
"The buses cannot go through and the other motorists have to turn out.
"These two days, the jam has been quite bad.
"I feel there is not much signage to indicate the road closures, and the signs don't seem to be prominent enough.
"Although they shortened the duration the roads will be closed, but I feel the traffic management for last year's F1 was better.
"They closed the road in stages unlike this year's where it seems they are doing everything within the last week.
"Even the digital signs along the Nicole Highway do not carry announcements of the road closures.
"However, I searched the Internet and noticed that there is an annoucement on the Land Transport Authority's website and a plan where the affected areas are marked
Keywords: F1 , jam , road , closed
This year's F1 road closures cause more jams than previous year's

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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Britjit was caught in a jam at Middle Road this morning as roads are closed for the upcoming Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix. She feels the traffic management for last year's event was better.
The STOMPer says:
"The F1 road closures are causing a traffic jam at Middle Road.
"This morning at 8.30am it took me half an hour to travel via bus from Sultan Mosque to Bugis Junction and the jam stretched all the way to Raffles Hotel...
"The roads going to the city are all jammed up. Most of the cars are stationary.
"From the National Library skybridge, I can see Middle Road and small roads which connect to Nicole Highway are all jammed up.
"There are also traffic wardens helping to direct the traffic.
"In the afternoon, the roads are still packed, especially those going towards Marina Square.
"Currently I can hear occassional car horns, perhaps from the drivers who are stuck in the jams from the small lanes exiting Victoria Street / Middle Road / Bras Basah Road.
"Three lanes became one lane due to the road closure, and traffic is unable to pass through the Esplanade as the road is closed.
"The buses cannot go through and the other motorists have to turn out.
"These two days, the jam has been quite bad.
"I feel there is not much signage to indicate the road closures, and the signs don't seem to be prominent enough.
"Although they shortened the duration the roads will be closed, but I feel the traffic management for last year's F1 was better.
"They closed the road in stages unlike this year's where it seems they are doing everything within the last week.
"Even the digital signs along the Nicole Highway do not carry announcements of the road closures.
"However, I searched the Internet and noticed that there is an annoucement on the Land Transport Authority's website and a plan where the affected areas are marked
Keywords: F1 , jam , road , closed