double jeopardy as developers don’t have enough workers and materials to finish their massive condo projects on time back in prc leading to delays, buyers’ revolt, bank defaults, loan defaults, all kinds of shit.
property is some sort of popular scam relied on by all sorts of inferior harebrained pork trotter snorting slanty chinks.
It's true for tiongs, true for hongkies, for stinkies chinks.
Slanties truly are an inferior breed.
No invention, no out of the box thining. no original ideas.
copy cat, copy paste, and even then they fail most of the time.
truly pathetic.
a natural resource driven country or community, where the natural resource is huuuuuuge population of 1.4+ billion.
take that away, and even zimbabwe zambia would outperform them.
i've made it much easier for inferior tiongs.
rather than trying to surpass 4x smaller yanks in per capita terms, they only needed to surpass 4x times smaller yanks in everything that matters - in aggregate. much easier.
tiongs still failed. F.A.I.L.E.D.
shameless. ballless, ah gua. copycat.
they could not even do anything despite all the warnings to yankee politician visiting taiwan.
in contrast, a russia that is much weaker than ussr, and abot 9x smaller than tiongs in terms of population, could also deter all of nato via simple threats.
you don't see nato troops under nato flags in ukraine. which is
foreign territory for russkies acc 2 all int conventions and treaties, acc 2 UN and all diplomats.
as opposed to taiwan, which is part of tiongkok acc 2 UN, acc 2 most diplomats, and acc 2 int conventions.
pathetic performance by tiongs.
for 9x less populous russkies to be not only militarily more powerful but
orders of magnitude
more powerful is a damning indictment on tiongkok military diplomatic achievements (more like their failures due to their incredible chyyyyyyyyynnnnnnaaaa speeeeed which never ends)