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As shown in many other videos in this thread, even without the existence of satellites, most people already think the Earth is a globe.Flatearther -
Why is the focus on satellites? This is probably due to the standard theory behind satt communication i.e. the satellite orbiting around a “globe” shaped earth. Debunk the theory of satellites and that opens the Pandora box of what actually the earth looks like (hence a point of argument for flat earthers).
And yet, there are still so many other proofs that the Earth is flat and stationary.

I obviously cannot know for sure, since I'm unable to measure those distances myself, right?I will assume the distances between the earth and the reference subject is generally correct. Please feel free to correct me, if they are inaccurate or wrong.

Come on, millions of people have travelled in both planes and cars, right?From land looking up, does a plane exist if you can’t see it? From the plane looking down, if you can’t see cars, do cars exist?

But how many people have been to the ISS?The ISS at 400km sees the overall landmass called “earth”. What “earth” is…well that is subjective as we only have one reference point i.e. NASA.

Can't the "ISS" take at least one photo (or even better, a video) showing at least a thousand of these small "satellites" together in the same photo?Claims of why we can’t see “20,000 satellites” from the ISS: Does one think the ISS can get a view of the smaller satellites (size of a car/bus) which orbits around 160km (400-160 = 240km height different)?

That's like a thousand buses in the same photo, right?

I've thought about it, and yes, not being able to see the "LEO satellites" is one of the best proofs that both the "ISS" and the "satellites" do not exist.Likewise, can ISS be able to see planes flying across (eg. An average 6,000 planes at given one time, 400-13 = 387km). Just because it is unable to see the planes/LEO satellites, does it mean the ISS does not exist? Think about it.

Don't you mean a huge following of delusional people, fantasizing about watching "satellites", but end up literally seeing stars (:*There is a huge following of Space enthusiasts around the world who enjoy satellite watching.

I agree that they would do no service to defending the existence of "satellites", especially since they would offer even more support to the entire "satellite" hoax.PS: I didn’t want to comment on Apollo moon landings, astronauts, Van Allen belt, moon pics/vids which would do no service to the narrowed discussion on “satellites”.

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