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The Season of Boasting, Bragging and Showing Off has Begun


I richer than you.
My car car is a Merc lei!
Hey, I just changed my car.
Wahhh ..your girlfriend so beautiful! (They don't realise she is rented)
Your condo swimming pool so deep.
Uncle, thank you for your angpow, so much!!

But none see the debt, the struggle the fights on a daily basis.

On any other day, they won't even visit their sick parents, help their poor kin, contribute to charity.

All because of the sick psychology called

Save the Face


Alfrescian (Inf)
this is all i have in a shared hdb room. a mattress on the floor to be shared with a mistress.


I richer than you.
My car car is a Merc lei!
Hey, I just changed my car.
Wahhh ..your girlfriend so beautiful! (They don't realise she is rented)
Your condo swimming pool so deep.
Uncle, thank you for your angpow, so much!!

But none see the debt, the struggle the fights on a daily basis.

On any other day, they won't even visit their sick parents, help their poor kin, contribute to charity.

All because of the sick psychology called

Save the Face
I am in Malaysia now as a proud unvaxxed. Away from all the nonsense.


I richer than you.
My car car is a Merc lei!
Hey, I just changed my car.
Wahhh ..your girlfriend so beautiful! (They don't realise she is rented)
Your condo swimming pool so deep.
Uncle, thank you for your angpow, so much!!

But none see the debt, the struggle the fights on a daily basis.

On any other day, they won't even visit their sick parents, help their poor kin, contribute to charity.

All because of the sick psychology called

Save the Face
Did they also say they love the malls and restaurants too much and proud of it?


cny just an excuse to do stupid things, bachelors are the most lucky fuckers

over howlian
overstress from smiling while hearing relatives talk cock about their career success
over fake politeness
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Byebye Penis

But none see the debt, the struggle the fights on a daily basis.

On any other day, they won't even visit their sick parents, help their poor kin

Brother, it's not easy to be a caregiver. But we still do our best, because on the day of the funeral, we will still wish that we've done more.
Happy Lunar New Year to you.


Then you're still not rich enough.
Every time someone wants to brag and show off their prized trophy, condo/car etc, I ask still got loan or not?

true thatz what I thought when I saw ze GCBs during my jog round my neighborhood zis morning. u r never rich enough :biggrin:


I am in Malaysia now as a proud unvaxxed. Away from all the nonsense.
No wonder keep singing praise of Malaysians and dissing sinkies. What a cheap loser sinkie, live in Malaysia only suck up to Malaysians. People Malaysian come to Spore to work don’t even suck up to sinkies.