Yes...The Bible has verses pointing to the extreme complexity of how human beings are created (i.e. conceived). One particular verse is in Psalm 139:14 l will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
Sorry bro but that verse from Psalm doesnt in anyway explain how conception takes place as you mentioned
We must understand that the Bible is not a science textbook (and you think Quaran is...I respect your view). The Bible is God's message to fallen human race. It has never been intended to be science textbook. For God, nothing is new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9 - The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.) There are however many many verses from the Bible that are consistent with science. In particular, the Book of Job tells us many natural phenomenons that only discovered by science in recent years or decades. All the scientific discoveries were the handiwork of God and they are meant for man to explore and that the kinowledge of God can be revealed through those discoveries. But among all, the most important knowledge that we all must take note is that God has sent His Son, Jesus, to redeem sinners. This job is completed at the Cross of Calvary.
ermm you have so far not been very specific pls be more specific in your examples, i have not seen any scientific miracles /discoveries in the bible what ive seen are errors as proven by on how the universe was created even on the very first few verses you find errors!!(light created before the source of light i e the sun was even created , the moon as a source and not a reflection of light etc etc as pointed out by so many forummers in your scripture reading
Question for you: Does the Quran teaches that human are sinners? If so, can you tell us, from Quran's standpoint, how could sinners be redeemed and finally be reconciled with God?
Im afraid you got it all wrong my friend do you really believe that your children are born sinners? that little baby born to a Non Christian family will go to hell if it dies before reaching the age of reason? No court of law will ever charge a minor in that way let alone GOD ALMIGHTY...In Islam, ..."...No person earns any (sin) except against himself (only), and no bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another..." (Quran 6:164
My challenge to you. Google the Youtube for David Menton who is a anatomist and was previously professor at the Washington University of Medicine. He spent more than 40 years research into the human (and also animal) anatomy. You will marvel at his presentations. Though his presentations have significant displayed the consistence of Bible and creation, especially in the areas of human biology, we can learn alot from his presentation just strictly from science point of view. He has taken efforts to build a series of the presentation some last as long as 1 hour. So, take up the challenge and view those videos.
I will watch this video as you recommended ..and May i ask you if you need to just ask GOD ALMIGHTY the CREATOR and not HIS Creation for guidance im sure if you are sincere and are seeking the truth you and I by HIS Grace n Mercy will find it.
God Bless
God Bless you too bro