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I propose a foreign talent.
That is probably why the 16 idiots are so reluctant to arrow one of themselves to be PeeM. They all know they will be seat warmers. They know the real power will still be with Gay Loong who will be given a power SM position. And they know Whore Jinx will be constantly in their office wanting this and that for her boy. The Trifecta of bad shit. Who wants to be in the middle of that.
thank you. kindly ask SamLeong to throw in some kopi money for moi. hehehheheheehe
I propose a foreign talent.
I guess ALL 16 of the 4G candidates are procrastinating because they are trying to second-guess Pinky's choice. They know if they place the wrong bet, it's game over for them.
gay loong doesn't care lah. He mood already, he is just waiting to ROD into his golden parachute. basically, he couldn't even be bothered to pick and train his successor.
After LHL...any idiot would look good.
Train his successor???? in what area... limp handshakes or lighting up the catwalk.
Pinky needs a successor that will ensure the Familee is protected and in control. So that pinky can continue to rule behind the scenes...the problem is all within the pap are weaklings...so they might not be able to hold onto power or be in office...and without a capable minister to hold the fort who is loyal. Pinky does not have much to choose from. If the next minister is strong..the 1st thing he will do is get rid of HC...because tummysick is an important institution...and with luck..dumbdumbbalan will support such a move because he is there as a reward by old fart. Once HC falls...the Lee family will lose its influence. Pinky as SM will be something like Jiang zemin..there as SM figurehead but isolated.
Are we really sure that Hongyi is going to be the PM one day? Even LHL cant be that blind to how ridiculous this will be.
You would think this is bad, but what's going to be worse is that possibly 60% and above will agree with it.Whore Jinx wants it. Gay Loong is too pussy whipped to say anything.
He needs to pick someone dumber than him, so that all his past corruptions will not be easily found by the dumb-ass (similar to dumb-ass Halima). If his successor is smarter than him, than LHL & his jinx wife will be extremely worried. Among the 16 candidates, Kee Chiu is the dumbess of them all. No brainer who LHL will favour: a dumb & dying to please CCS.not unless they pick the one from the gang of 16 that is an even dumber idiot. CCS comes to mind.
Yes pinky needs a loyal n capable seat warmer who can hold the fort n vacate when necessary...loyal one will be kee chui...capable one n loyal..I can't think of any...so the best bet for pinky is still kee chui...and the way things r going.. Singkieland will be on autopilot for a long timeU make some good points. the fact is that some of the gang of 16 are unpalatable to the public. I can't see people like Janil and Iswaran being designated as the next PeeM based on race. I cannot see Jo the Ho, and DisGraceFu also being the designated one due to too much stupid comments and baggage. Keechiu the boyscout is also a risk, as he is perceived to be a mental lightweight. Masagoes the chapcheng Malay also will not be the designate PeeM due simply to the fact that 2 fake Malays will be in the position of President and PeeM. The field is therefore quite small and not quite 16. Also, the designate has to be able to win his own seat in his constituency. this is not a given, because Wooden almost lost Marine Parade when unsavoury elements were parachuted into his consituency. The PAP survey machinery is working overtime to guage voter sentiment. This is tricky for the PAP. What if the Gang of 16 chooses Keechiu. The electorate might say "Hell No", and they might not vote him in to win his seat. Then how can he become a PeeM if he lost his Parliamentary seat. all these are big question marks for the PAP.
The successor designate has to have the following virtues:
1) Understand that he might be PeeM for only one term because he is a seat warmer for Hongyi.
2) He must be unquestioningly loyal and cover Familee's ass when they fuck up. Just like Wooden covered the Familee's corruption over the HPL condo. Also, must be like Wooden who faithfully vacated his seat when told to do so and make way for Gay Loong.
3) Be willing to put up with Gay Loong and Whore Jinx looking over his shoulder
4) Be differential and respectful to Hongyi and show his future boss the ropes
I dont think it matters who will be PM anyway because LHL will still be around.