It is easy to forget that back in the 60s, majority of our forefathers were living in slums with shelters made of zinc or attap wood, unhygenic & water pumped from rivers or catchment areas, under colonial Brit rule, all land belonging to the Crown. Even the rich could only buy land on 999yr lease. NO ONE own land except the Crown.
Most of the population were considered squatters & could face eviction with just 1 days notice.
Ownership of land changed once independence was won thru sheer grit, courage, determination, hardwork by our great founding & forefathers. The land now belongs to us - taxpaying citizens thru an existing govt bound by the constitution & Rule of Law.
Although each were given a lease ownership of 99 yrs as home with better utilities, it would last more than the average lifespan of 83yrs of a citizen. Even with SER, citizens would be given replacement homes, with choice to sell or top up costs, to free up scarce land space for other citizens to live.
Would one prefer to be a squatter under colonial rule who faces eviction any day or be a citizen with 99yr Rule of Law leased home?