fuck lah you confucius scholar pls dont behave like a fuckin dog lah!!!Iiiiiiiizzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiittttttttttt?

fuck lah you confucius scholar pls dont behave like a fuckin dog lah!!!Iiiiiiiizzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiittttttttttt?
fuck lah you confucius scholar pls dont behave like a fuckin dog lah!!!
fuck lah you confucius scholar pls dont behave like a fuckin dog lah!!!
It's a Total War
killborat said:that you were followed today when you were at your carpark...saw someone in blue?
All you internet warriors trying to ring me are all losers and balless instead of engaging me head only relying on clones just shows what cowards all of you are. Nevertheless over the next few days all of you shall die and our cause shall prevail.
Mujulah Singapore Majulah Majulah Majulah
Sir kopiunc1e I know that you are part of the clan and I also know that your master kopiuncle ordered you to kill me. Please ask him not to zap me anymore.
I surrender and will disappear from the forum. You will not see me anymore. My promises are very trustworthy just like your superior kopiuncle's promises.
another proxy internet disrupter playing the victim game..
I jedi master will expose all you imposters and frauds...
the phantom master of the universe , the phantom king of clones, the phantom manipulator of the forum will be revealed soon..
"..I am warning you Kopi...any further revelation will result in your instant death!!!..."
killborat said:Dont take this forum too lightly. You think no one knows the real person behind your moniker... remember how i can even trace address and mobile number of some forummers. Just keep a good watch when you are out. You never know who is tailing you from Iris.