From the look at the responses here, it is obvious that most WP people or apologists are avoiding to talk about the failings of WP AHPeTC, not even the slightest attempt to come up with reasons or valid defense of its incompetency.
The only irrelevant defense they have is "PAP is worse" or "GMS is even worse", "GMS is vengeful against WP" and "GMS cannot win Tampines" ... or whatever irrelevant nonsense they can come up with to divert attention to the real issue here.
Thus, I can only conclude that absolutely nobody here, including WP people, is denying that WP has screwed it up badly in AHPeTC management. But unfortunately, nobody is interested in providing viable suggestions on how WP could improve the situation.
What we are seeing here, Self Denial, Pretense Nothing Happen, We have bigger evil out there etc etc... No admittance of faults, acceptance of blame, no mention of accountability ... etc. That is typical of WP people.
Let me try to put this thread in its proper perspective by suggesting what can be done for a start.
AHPeTC has published a Public Tender notice looking for management agent. Apparently, this is just an exercise going accordance to the rule but most probably they are going to renew FMSS contract anyway.
The fundamental woes AHPeTC has is basically due to FMSS. It has become even BIGGER than WP MPs!
WP should reconsider NOT putting up tender for Management Agent and eventually, ended up using FMSS again. It has screwed up for AHPeTC and WP should not employ the agency again.
WP should revert to its own way of running of TC, employing its own people to run the TC and retain its power of Hire and Fire if anyone under perform or screw up. Handling it to MA will make it lose direct control of the TC altogether. I heard even the WP MPs have little say in the running of TC where the MA is just too arrogant in its management of the town.
From the Hawker Centre Ceiling Saga, we have witnessed first hand how WP MP's letter to the TC management aka the MA has been totally ignored.
It is an irony when the MA could overwrite the powers/views of the WP MPs in local municipal issues and the MA can even be RUDE to the WP MPs in many instances. WP MPs' destiny is all tied to the destiny of the well being of the TC management but now, they have absolutely lost the control of their own destiny!
This is the LEAST WP should do to show that it is making ACCOUNTABILITY a SERIOUS Business in its philosophy of governance. Sack the one who is responsible for all these mess, no ifs or buts, never mind if the directors are good personal friends or supporters of anyone in the party. WP has to re-assume command and control of the management of TC as soon as possible to reverse the deterioration of the whole mess and dwindling of public confidence.
If not, the only thing you can do is to just sit there at your keyboards, shoot anyone who criticise WP for its failings but at the same time cross your fingers and pray for a miracle to happen.
Goh Meng Seng