It is easy and cheap to vow in the name of Thai peasants, the simple rural people had been used and exploited by Thug-Sin.
Thug-Sin's background is a business con man, a thug styled one. His political career is only a part of his family business and collaboration with cronies. Just like the famiLEE. More precisely, he entered politics in order to have power to make more businesses and financial gains for his Shinawatra family & group of cronies. Political power is what they aim to be exploited for business advantages at this stage - later will be dominance like famiLEE LEEgime in this red dot.
For a business & $$$$$$ background of Thug-Sin, he can not be one that really care for rural peasants. He is just MORE CUNNING in exploiting these rural voters. More COMPLETE EXPLOITATION in other words.
If his own background was a farmer instead of a telecom tycoon, then I won't say this.
He is basically a thug, remember the thousands of so claimed drug gang members he shot dead in the streets when he 1st came to power? That were extra-judiciary executions. It was alleged that Thug-Sin was himself making money from drug before he was elected PM, he did this to white wash his own background when some US agencies were revealing his drug background. 2 of his key election aids and close family assistants were convicted of trafficking drugs very close to his election.
This is same again with LEE KUAN YEW famiLEE's dealings with Burmese drug rings and drug money laundering. Thug-Sin is the closest Thai PM in dealing with the traditionally hostile enemy of Thailand - Burma junta. That is why Thai generals will never like Thug-Sin.
In any economic pyramid of exploitations, rural peasants are ALWAYS at the very bottom to be screwed, this applies across the whole world and most parts of history. The only political faction that really fight for rural peasants are the communists and Thug-Sin is exactly the opposite of communists, because he is a business tycoon thug changed to famiLEE styled Shinawatra-LEEgime ruler + crony networks.
Thug-Sin's honey are liken to famiLEE LEEgime's progress package & other hand-outs to buy votes. Basically give $1 now take back $50 later. Simple rural peasants got fooled, gave their votes to the thugs. Singaporean kiasus also got fooled, not to say Thai farmers.

Thug-Sin's gesture to rural peasants are well staged Wayangs, similar to famiLEE LEEgime's Wayangs. Identical to PAp claiming to take care of people etc craps.
Who will believe that a politician with Thug-Sin's background will be fighting for peasants in the rural? You are right about these peasants suffered for ages, I know that farmers sent their daughters to Bangkok to work as prostitutes usually because their family is too poor, this had been for many generations. Is Thug-Sin from such a family? His Shinawatra family is filthy filthy rich! Will not even do any business with farmers! Their partners includes Termasek!