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Tan Yuqing sends letter to Straits Times : "Make national language (Malay) compulsory for Singaporeans"

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
You twit that would mean they would have to fast for one month.
Fasting is good for the body n soul. And allows the food industry to take a break. Having 4 wives is a good exchange. Some more just need to announce divorce three times can free up a slot. Very convenient. :laugh:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Fasting is good for the body n soul. And allows the food industry to take a break. Having 4 wives is a good exchange. Some more just need to announce divorce three times can free up a slot. Very convenient. :laugh:

Muslim fasting is only daytime fasting for a month, and binge eating (buffet a.k.a. 'storing power') during dawn and dusk.

Intermittent fasting, maybe going 48 or 72 hours without food, will heal and detox your body. Beginners should try water fasting on an entire weekend.

Fasting also trains your willpower. With willpower and focus, you can accomplish many things in life.


Muslim fasting is only daytime fasting for a month, and binge eating (buffet a.k.a. 'storing power') during dawn and dusk.

Intermittent fasting, maybe going 48 or 72 hours without food, will heal and detox your body. Beginners should try water fasting on an entire weekend.

Fasting also trains your willpower. With willpower and focus, you can accomplish many things in life.

I pity those m&ds fasting in the summer months in countries like UK & Norway....summer months have damn long days.


Alfrescian (Inf)
We could be the only country where the National language is not a compulsory subject in school.
I think the PAP should take the lead and I want to recommend that all political office holders from the rank of Parliamentary Secretary and above should have at least a PSLE pass in the National Language .


Malay is a simple language for simple people. Typing in Malay is far less tedious than in Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Thai.

Pelacur itu gila.

Saya suka buah dada.

and that's an awesome photo.... :roflmao:


Erection = Attention what's the difference?
aiyoh.... you are proving my point.... sorli ah paiseh dun mean to arrow / tekan you. :redface:

mari = come
kita = all of us/we all

so mari kita = come let us all

fyi :

sedia = stand at the ready / attention....

so to a malay speaker, mari kita = erection is absolutely hilarious !! :confused: :roflmao: