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Tan Yuqing sends letter to Straits Times : "Make national language (Malay) compulsory for Singaporeans"


It is far easier for Malaysia to conquer Singapore without a single shot being fired.

I fully agree that Singaporeans should learn their National Language and learn it well. It is ridiculous to have a National Language that only 15% of the population can understand.
Do you understand Malay?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Do you understand Malay?

Of course I do and I speak Malay too. We needed it when Singapore was part of Malaysia and it would be prudent to note that this might happen again in the not too distant future.


Tan is right and make a good leader. The leaders here are all under the skirt.

Sg neighbours are not going to change or shift away; so at least Conversation Malay is neccessary.

Real leader must make a concrete stand on its National Language instead of using bastard languages.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Islam should also be the national religion. All men when enlist NS shld be circumcised then entitled to 4 wives.

syed putra

Islam should also be the national religion. All men when enlist NS shld be circumcised then entitled to 4 wives.
Its only fair that immigrant communities must integrate and assimilate with the local culture and tradition like our president.


U only need simple no frill gunboats to invade Mudland.....

But whats the point to invade a land full of stupid and lazy idiots and hv to feed their family of 10 useless children...

Learn Malay is important because singkieland had to conquer mudland soon. Can't administered conquered territories without knowing the language n culture

syed putra

U only need simple no frill gunboats to invade Mudland.....

But whats the point to invade a land full of stupid and lazy idiots and hv to feed their family of 10 useless children...
Malays were clever, invited chinese to their land, and made them work.