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Tan Kin Lian - Robin Hood Complex


This is my reply to the author, scroobal.

Several people have asked the question why I decided to contest the Presidential Election and not the General Election, and I have given an honest answer. As you have observed (and so have many other people), I have done so reluctantly, but for the reason that I have stated - to give the voters a wider choice. I assure you that the journey has been very difficult for me personally.

It is all right if you prefer another candidate, but there is no need for you to give a negative interpretation to my statements and engage in a smear on my character. I suggest that you contact me at [email protected] and get the facts or my perspective, before you jump to your conclusions and make your judgement. In any case, if you do have to make a judgement on other people, you should exercise fairness and impartiality.

I also ask you to check with people you know, who may be PAP cadres - but not MPs. They will tell you how much real influence they have in the policy making of the party. In my case, my influence is close to none, in spite of being a cadre for almost 30 years.

TKL if you can't even take a small heat pls dun step into politics and embarrass urself further. Even a 27 yr old TPL has handled the criticism in more matured way than you! :oIo:


If you are Mr Tan Kin Lian, then you have been very ill advised to log on using your personal name. GMS advise you one is it? Dun listen to him lah, he is one big sabo king. You know what is sabo king? the blur fuck that always sabo the whole platoon? That is GMS... doesn't matter if he got good heart or not... he will sabo you due to his innate blur fuckness.

In defense of scroobal, this is a free forum. He can say anything he wants and he does not have to be fair or impartial. However, on a similar note, readers also take everything with a pinch of salt. I think you have to get used to the fact that there are going to be various opinions if you wish to stand for public office.

Now this is my personal beef with you. I dun like the fact that you emphasize how reluctant you are and how difficult the journey is. Don't hedge your bets can? This is not a derivatives contract. I want a candidate that is all in. So reluctant and everything so difficult, how you expect people to endorse you? Understand why your petition was stillborn? No sincerity. Remember JBJ, what a spitfire he was? I suggest you emulate some of his moves. The old man is one foot in the grave, and times have changed. I doubt he can do much to you.

Now this is just my opinion, dun have to respond. Just feedback.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
If you are Mr Tan Kin Lian, then you have been very ill advised to log on using your personal name. GMS advise you one is it? Dun listen to him lah, he is one big sabo king. You know what is sabo king? the blur fuck that always sabo the whole platoon? That is GMS... doesn't matter if he got good heart or not... he will sabo you due to his innate blur fuckness.

Now this is my personal beef with you. I dun like the fact that you emphasize how reluctant you are and how difficult the journey is. Don't hedge your bets can? This is not a derivatives contract. I want a candidate that is all in. So reluctant and everything so difficult, how you expect people to endorse you? Understand why your petition was stillborn? No sincerity. Remember JBJ, what a spitfire he was? I suggest you emulate some of his moves. The old man is one foot in the grave, and times have changed. I doubt he can do much to you.

Mr. Kin Lian, I agree with the writer. Despite the expletives, the meaning is quite clear. Do not go down to our level as it is unbecoming of a future EP. Please have some dignity and do not engage in a free for all forums as it will not help you in any way except tarnish your reputation.

The very reason I am not voting you is simply because I don't think you deserve my respect. Your presence here prove my case.


This forum is like an entertainment center, all arrows poiting at each other and should not take it seriously. This is democracy at works and end of the day all LOL at each other.

Mr. Kin Lian, I agree with the writer. Despite the expletives, the meaning is quite clear. Do not go down to our level as it is unbecoming of a future EP. Please have some dignity and do not engage in a free for all forums as it will not help you in any way except tarnish your reputation.

The very reason I am not voting you is simply because I don't think you deserve my respect. Your presence here prove my case.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This forum is like an entertainment center, all arrows poiting at each other and should not take it seriously. This is democracy at works and end of the day all LOL at each other.

Well said bro...this is not a place for the high and mighty to engage dissidents. This is a place for the riff raff to make noise and vent their frustrations. Why lower one's dignity when there are plenty of supporters and IB public relations? As a politician wannabe, one has to take the good and the bad as a public figure.

Ron Ron stated it succinctly. If one cannot take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
This is my reply to the author, scroobal.

Several people have asked the question why I decided to contest the Presidential Election and not the General Election, and I have given an honest answer. As you have observed (and so have many other people), I have done so reluctantly, but for the reason that I have stated - to give the voters a wider choice. I assure you that the journey has been very difficult for me personally.

It is all right if you prefer another candidate, but there is no need for you to give a negative interpretation to my statements and engage in a smear on my character. I suggest that you contact me at [email protected] and get the facts or my perspective, before you jump to your conclusions and make your judgement. In any case, if you do have to make a judgement on other people, you should exercise fairness and impartiality.

I also ask you to check with people you know, who may be PAP cadres - but not MPs. They will tell you how much real influence they have in the policy making of the party. In my case, my influence is close to none, in spite of being a cadre for almost 30 years.

TKL, nobody has smeared you thus far, we have been scrutinizing your past words and deeds for the past 30 years and if there is nothing to hide, then there is nothing to discuss either.

The campaign has not even begun and instead of a good offense, you begin with a strong defense. This is an online forum and not a court of public opinion. Rather than engaging in rabble rousing with faceless cowards like us who hide behind a computer screen and 'smear' you to no end based on hearsay and half-truths, why don't you use your time and energies and get it on with your presidential campaign?


Yeah, the worst hit is LKY and never had him coming here to scold everyone here.

Well said bro...this is not a place for the high and mighty to engage dissidents. This is a place for the riff raff to make noise and vent their frustrations. Why lower one's dignity when there are plenty of supporters and IB public relations? As a politician wannabe, one has to take the good and the bad as a public figure.

Ron Ron stated it succinctly. If one cannot take the heat, get out of the kitchen.


Yeah, the worst hit is LKY and never had him coming here to scold everyone here.

Don't speak so soon. LKY is now retired and he just might start coming here. :biggrin:

Don't think kinlian will be back here. You will need to e-mail him if you want to understand him better. :o

Wonder when will vortexbeam reply to my questions about his claims of TCB's "numerous" directorships? :rolleyes:
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Wonder when will vortexbeam reply to my questions about his claims of TCB's "numerous" directorships? :rolleyes:

That's the art of smearing. Say something without substantiation then ignore any rebuttals or to "retract" the allegations so that the retraction can hardly be seen i.e., tactics of the 154th.


Leopard will never change its spots, and majority of opposition supporters subscribed to such time-tested pearls of wisdom. TT falls nicely into this category, all well and dainty.:smile:

On the other hand, we hear stories akin to toads transforming into a handsome prince overnight. And there are testaments of relatively recent sightings. Fantasy stories are for children, unless voters are treated as such.:mad:

To cast a wider net, we also have stories of the reluctant warrior, appealing to the romantics.

If voters allows themselves to be persuaded by supporters of incumbents, to cast their votes just to spike a particular faction and allow themselves to be manipulated into such childish behaviour..........then our country’s future is bleak.

Chan Show Mao has nicely put it during the GE2011; think with our heads and dare to cast our votes with our hearts.

Also question the intent of these earnest supporters, they may have your friendly neighbourhood grassloot leaders' complex.:p

IMO, TCB is as straight as it comes, minus all the frills and fantasies.:smile:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Leopard will never change its spots, and majority of opposition supporters subscribed to such time-tested pearls of wisdom. TT falls nicely into this category, all well and dainty.:smile:

On the other hand, we hear stories akin to toads transforming into a handsome prince overnight. And there are testaments of relatively recent sightings. Fantasy stories are for children, unless voters are treated as such.:mad:

To cast a wider net, we also have stories of the reluctant warrior, appealing to the romantics.

If voters allows themselves to be persuaded by supporters of incumbents, to cast their votes just to spike a particular faction and allow themselves to be manipulated into such childish behaviour..........then our country’s future is bleak.

Chan Show Mao has nicely put it during the GE2011; think with our heads and dare to cast our votes with our hearts.

Also question the intent of these earnest supporters, they may have your friendly neighbourhood grassloot leaders' complex.:p

IMO, TCB is as straight as it comes, minus all the frills and fantasies.:smile:

Exactly. One does not come helter skelter in double quick time to the wet market to refute some gossip about himself which had been passed from the fishmonger to the fruiterer, until the whole market is abuzz with the rumour. Would we have respect for a would be EP if he sees fit to defend himself by slugging it out with the common people to salvage his "reputation?"

At least have some decorum and behave in a manner that befits a man of stature. I would not expect anything less from my President.


Granted, all 3 Tans have had links with the PAP in the past. However, with all due respect to TT, TKL is LEAST associated with the PAP, and hence is the best person to act independently in the role of EP. TCB comes in second.

The issue in this EP campaign is not one of who is most financially savvy to protect past reserves. The EP can easily appoint financial wizards (including TT) into the CPA to advise him on such matters. Ths issue is about honesty, fairness and a caring thought for all Singaporeans - in other words a unifying force. Of the 3 Tans, I only see this coming from TKL.

Why use political affiliations as a barometer for judging a person's independent nature? Surely to judge whether a person has an independent streak about him is to quite simply observe his actions no? And between TCB and TKL, TCB has a much richer history of standing up for his opinions. He even tio kan by LKY for talking out loud loh. Imagine the herd mentality and peer pressure that must exists when he was in Parliament -- esp with LKY in his full glory. Not easy to stand up to such a man. And this is exactly what the President must do with LKY as chairman of GIC (even tho he said he retired but honestly, he still asserts influence).

As for TKL, I appreciate his role in the Lehman Minibonds saga but what else has he done to demonstrate this independence that you talk about?