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Tan Kin Lian - Robin Hood Complex


Alfrescian (Inf)
Whatever it is, don't vote for TT. Think about this: The check and balance of the GIC/GLC already so dark. TT is the ideal candidate to make it pitch-dark to the highest degree (if he ever got elected).
How to measure darkness? Think again.


Let's try vote TKL in and hope to get another bonus - send LKY to see his Gecko sooner.

Whatever it is, don't vote for TT. Think about this: The check and balance of the GIC/GLC already so dark. TT is the ideal candidate to make it pitch-dark to the highest degree (if he ever got elected).
How to measure darkness? Think again.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes. Regardless of whether he is a crook or not...whatever he does or does not do anything if he is elected, things cannot get any worse than it is.

It is worse to get a crook because a crook does not care about you and will only care for himself. What are you saying?:(:(


I will vote for Tan Kin Lian if perform this on stage instead of repeatedly murdering Teresa Teng's memory.

<iframe width="640" height="510" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/APTXBm5Zp-Y?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
It is worse to get a crook because a crook does not care about you and will only care for himself. What are you saying?:(:(

How much worse? What wrong can he do with govt watching him like a hawk?
The way I see it, if TT got in then it will be status quo.
At least with TKL, PAP wont get their man in and there is a chance he might rile some feathers....that to me is 4 million well spent.


Alfrescian (Inf)
How much worse? What wrong can he do with govt watching him like a hawk?
The way I see it, if TT got in then it will be status quo.
At least with TKL, PAP wont get their man in and there is a chance he might rile some feathers....that to me is 4 million well spent.

Your comment do not have a head or tail. Since when have you been commenting on TKL's bid for the EP? You appear suddenly and say TKL whether he is a crook or otherwise is ok to vote him in. What is your story before and why are you not including TCB? If he is not in your like/dislike, put it on record so we know your stand and why you are saying what you are saying.


There're about 2,000 PAP cadres at one time or another, including TT and TCB who held higher offices and wielded more influence and powers. Suddenly, TKL becomes supremo responsible for all? Intellectual dishonesty is a sad fact of your life. I actually don't give a hoot about TKL; I just like to have a presidential contest. But the more you smear TKL, yes smear is the word, the more I warm toward TKL.
hahaha.....ah forv, seems like your power of comptrehension has not improved.


The issue is not PAP. We are all pretty much anti establishment and that refers to PAP.

The issue is Tan Kin Lian who made his fortune on the back of PAP, enjoyed it's largesse and now claiming to fight the PAP. Everything this guy claiming is not straight forward.

He has hanging around opposition camps for sometime and they are too keen because they think he is not committed. Looks at who are his associates in the associates. Are you aware that Tan Jee Say and Dr Ang Kong Kua who fought against the PAP in the recent GE are helping TCB. What does that tell you.

TT has blood on his hands. He helping suing opposition candidates and destroying their lives and those of their family.

In essence, you got to know their background.

Note no one of professional standing is helping Tan Kin Lian. These are signs. Very worrying for a CEO of 30 years.

EP election is similar to GRC and it is time to break up this system. We all know that EP purpose is to stop a new gahment from accessing the GIC and TH if PAP lost and become an Opposition. Singaporeans do not believe the PAP anymore and as long as they have a choice they will vote against an unpopular regime. PAP is history.

When PAP promised to deliver the upgrading program to Hillview Ave Estate voters if they win the election, did they deliver? No, instead they bull dozed the whole estate and dispersed the voters. Now they want to deliver TT to you, do you trust the PAP anymore! Let TKL be the EP and gain ground and we will see how PAP can handle the Peoples' choice EP.


Hmm, Scroobal, please don't insult people's logic.

Tan Kin Lian made his fortune as CEO of NTUC Income, while Cheng Bock with his numerous chairmanships and board memberships, which he got only because of his PAP status, didn't? Come on.

Tan Jee Say and Dr Ang Kong Kua who fought against the PAP in the recent GE are helping TCB. So what? Goh Meng Seng, the secretary of the NSP, who lead a GRC team in the recent elections, is helping Tan Kin Lian. What does that tell you?

"Note no one of professional standing is helping Tan Kin Lian". You know why? They are damn scared of PAP backlash.


Tan Cheng Bock ran his own medical clinic/practice as a young doctor in a village in Lim Chu Kang. He continued with his medical practice in Jurong West in a HDB shop row when the whole village was relocated. During and after his parliamentary career, he continued to run his medical practice. He was treating patients with SARS symptoms at his clinic when other doctors ask them to go straight to hospitals. He had to go into quarantine when when one of his patients came down with SARS.

Unlike Tan Kin Lian who leached on the people with NTUC/PAP, the good doctor made his primary from his medical practice. NTUC is a sister organisation of PAP and therefore it had captive market. Ask the majority of taxi drivers who provides them insurance and if they have choice. Tan Kin Lian continues to hold directorship.

Ignorance is not excuse. Talking about logic with no idea about facts is like a gelding try to mate with mare.

Hmm, Scroobal, please don't insult people's logic.

Tan Kin Lian made his fortune as CEO of NTUC Income, while Cheng Bock with his numerous chairmanships and board memberships, which he got only because of his PAP status, didn't? Come on.

Tan Jee Say and Dr Ang Kong Kua who fought against the PAP in the recent GE are helping TCB. So what? Goh Meng Seng, the secretary of the NSP, who lead a GRC team in the recent elections, is helping Tan Kin Lian. What does that tell you?

"Note no one of professional standing is helping Tan Kin Lian". You know why? They are damn scared of PAP backlash.


Don't be silly. The EP is no where near as standing for Parliament. People of professional standing came forward and supported opposition candidates. There was even a professor from NUS who went on stage and spoke for SDP at a rally.

Even among the opposition figures, do you know why the 1st tier candidates are not supporting TKL. Why don't you ask him to get endorsement from Chiam, LTK, Sylvia, Chen, etc.

You should not talk about logic when you don't even understand what it means.

Many Singaporeans are asking why no 1st tier opposition candidate has come forward despite he rubbing shoulders with them. Or does your logic stop from endorsing him. Don't need to insult anyone's intelligence, just open your eyes and see.

"Note no one of professional standing is helping Tan Kin Lian". You know why? They are damn scared of PAP backlash.


So are you proposing TCB is a better peoples' choice?

It either TCB or TKL and no TT a PAP puppet.

Tan Cheng Bock ran his own medical clinic/practice as a young doctor in a village in Lim Chu Kang. He continued with his medical practice in Jurong West in a HDB shop row when the whole village was relocated. During and after his parliamentary career, he continued to run his medical practice. He was treating patients with SARS symptoms at his clinic when other doctors ask them to go straight to hospitals. He had to go into quarantine when when one of his patients came down with SARS.

Unlike Tan Kin Lian who leached on the people with NTUC/PAP, the good doctor made his primary from his medical practice. NTUC is a sister organisation of PAP and therefore it had captive market. Ask the majority of taxi drivers who provides them insurance and if they have choice. Tan Kin Lian continues to hold directorship.

Ignorance is not excuse. Talking about logic with no idea about facts is like a gelding try to mate with mare.


So you have seen his tax returns and know what proportion of his earnings came from medical practice? What makes you so sure? GP clinics are not profitable. I am quite convinced being a PAP MP enriched Cheng Bock more.

NTUC leaches on people? That's news to me. Define leaching. If you mean take people's money in exchange for services, doctors leach just as much.


TT has got blood on his hands from day one. If we all kept up with current affairs and know our history, we will be making informed choices. Not perfect but certainly closer to the truth.

So are you proposing TCB is a better peoples' choice?

It either TCB or TKL and no TT a PAP puppet.


I am still trying to understand whether you are honestly ignorant of the situation or think Singaporeans are too stupid to listen to your logic. If you mingled with opposition you would know that opposition parties are against EP as an office and hence would not endorse any candidates. Some of them might in their personal capacity, as Goh Meng Seng did for Tan Kin Lian. But nobody so far endorsed your favorite Cheng Bock.


No one had dared or cared enough to confront Tan Kin Lian until he appeared with his sorry arse in the political arena without the benefit of PAP Kevlar and big stick.

People stayed clear because of the perceived connection to the Lee family. No one is willing to be a victim of a 'defamation lawsuit' adjudicated in Singapore courts involving.

The EP result will be decided by the heartlanders.

And heartlanders will include provision shopkeepers, supplier salesmen, taxi drivers, all whom had been adversely impacted by the monopolistic behaviour of the NTUC/PAP monolith bully then headed by Tan Kin Lian. All will have a tale or two to tell.

And Tan Kin Lian, the fucking bastard think he stand a chance to be President!:oIo::oIo::oIo:


This language can get you in jail, you know.

If I follow your sick logic, Tan Cheng Bock and Tony Tan might be as bad or worse that Tan Kin Lian, but nobody has yet to confront them because they are afraid of PAP? Well done. Who was your teacher in school?