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Tan Kin Lian - Robin Hood Complex



"...Some people may prefer some other candidates and not me, but that is all right. There is really no need for them to insult me or smears my character or reputation. (I refer to defamatory remarks and smears posted against me in some blogs or websites or being circulated by e-mail. I hope that right minded people will stop these bad behavior.)

Tan Kin Lian"


"Don't mention anything in the story that may hurt my friends. But you can say what you like about me. I've a thick skin." Tan Kin Lian, 'Just catch me the rat' 147th Prostitute Press, 30 August 1992


This guy is flipping and flopping all over the place. First he does not want to run, then people were asking him to do. Then the wife is reluctant to run but GMS asking him to run. So who are the people who are asking to run.


"Don't mention anything in the story that may hurt my friends. But you can say what you like about me. I've a thick skin." Tan Kin Lian, 'Just catch me the rat' 147th Prostitute Press, 30 August 1992


hahaha....the EP is much different from MP and even ministars/PM.
as an EP, your wife is the first lady and is expected to be involved; whether she likes it or not.
of course she has to be comfortable and agreeable.
what is so surprising?
don't understand how somebody can make a mountain out of this..........
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"...He has achieved much with hard work and common sense but he has one unfulfilled desire: "I want to have a PhD. I want to be Dr Tan Kin Lian! It's a test."

Of what?

"Of whether I can make it."...
"Tan Kin Lian, 'Just catch me the rat' 147th Prostitute Press, 30 August 1992

I first dealt with TKL about 15 -20 years ago (can't recall exactly when) in soc.culture.singapore before Sam started Sammyboy forum.

What struck me then about TKL was his acute vanity and peacockish narcissm. His seemingly unquenchable thirst for the spotlight and desperate craving for the limelight were as constant as they were shameless.

I can't recall exactly his stupid answer when he was questioned on the ethics of him as CEO of NTUC spending $600, 000 of the cooperative's money on politically partisan RCs for their noticeboards in the 90s. He gave some stupid, forgettable reason/s just as he used to give vacuous replies and just as he used to parrot and vomit out the same, tired PAP's position on nearly every issue that he chose to argue about or comment on.

15-20 years later, we have an older but same old, egotistical Tan Kin Lian vomiting out the same trite replies and rubbish he was vomitting out 15-20 years ago.

Nothing has changed.

This answer he gave in his 1992 interview with the Prostitute Press, perhaps, is an honest indication on why he really wants to run for President. It has nothing to do with the trite, silly and inane rubbish he has been throwing up but everything to do with whether he, Tan Kin Lian, can "make it".

Being President would be Tan Kin Lian's personal and ultimate "test" of whether he can "make it".
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hahaha....the EP is much different from MP and even ministars/PM.
as an EP, your wife is the first lady and is expected to be involved; whether she likes it or not.
of course she has to be comfortable and agreeable.
what is so surprising?
don't understand how somebody can make a mountain out of this..........

It is an issue as there appears to be no support forthcoming from his wife. As it stands right now, TKL is fighting alone. The other 2 candidates have their wives beside them. That is a real difference that we have to take note of (or like what some people say, "make a mountain out" of this point)


He has also painted himself as a reluctant candidate, with the wife, that seems even worse. Apparently people are urging him. Who this people besides the few that have identified themselves is still un unanswered question.

It is an issue as there appears to be no support forthcoming from his wife. As it stands right now, TKL is fighting alone. The other 2 candidates have their wives beside them. That is a real difference that we have to take note of (or like what some people say, "make a mountain out" of this point)


TKL is a reluctant candidate. That makes him the best person for the job - he is really running to help and not to enrich himself or earn recognition. Cheng Bock was nurturing his plans for presidency from many years ago, got it all planned out, very well prepared. I can only guess about his motivation.


I am absolutely flabberghasted at yr logic. LKY called an early election as a calculated risks. It is always a gamble, and he never had to go around asking for signatures on a petition. He dove into it after estimating his risks. What TKL had done is to see the results before taking the gamble. You are really inane not to know the diff. TKL can't even hold a candle to LKY's ghost.

What is wrong with asking for 100,000 signatures? When LKY want to seek mandate from you he held an early election, so fair dinkum!

I'm sorry if you fall for this line, that TKL can question about and possibly cause anything to reverse the CPF policy taken by an elected govt which is rightly or wrongly making a judgment call and doing its job.

I'll bet you every $1 for the 100,000 signatures that if elected as EP, he can do anything about it.

Every country in the world enjoyed the past 30 years of economic boom except for a few like Vietnam, do you? Those good easy years whoever support any government will benefits from the past good years.

Until when we realised that the country monies held by GIC and TH are not accountable to the people and when PAP skewed the EP terms in their favor in case they were voted out it become a big concern recently. It is the PAP that want you to vote an EP in their favor so why suit them. So what TKL was a PAP man for past 30 years and time has changed and many do not believe in whatsoever PAP come up with. Question is where is the CPF money? CSJ goes to jail for you and how many more must go to jail for you find out where is the CPF money?

Hello! back in the 80s, 25% of your pay goes to CPF and now those born in 1958 cannot see their hard earn CPF money in 2 years time when they hit 55.

Singaporeans can only try! just don't put TT in if you want to see your CPF money.
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Porfirio Rubirosa

hohohohoho...wah lau dude u appear to be a 'sharp cookie' just like yr pal TKL...wif such aposite choice of words eh?!...even harry may raise an eye brow or 2!!...bwhahahahaha...
EP is PAP ways of getting at their voters if PAP is voted out. What TKL and TT can or cannot do is hypo case but what is most important to Singaporeans is to stand up like Aljunied GRC voters that delivered WP into parliment. Now is the time to deliver a non-PAP as EP.

Porfirio Rubirosa

n there i tot that thus far all 3 potentail EP candidates hv not been endorsed as yet...tks for putting me right bro!!!...just got to luv the wayang n dramarama going on in this Pre-EP11 period thus far...like this cant wait for the Writ to be issued n the proper campaigns to begin!!...uniquely singapore style...hohohohohohohoho
I will choose between TKL and TCB simply because they are the non endorsed candidates...

Porfirio Rubirosa

excellent stuff n kudos to u bro...really appreciate such contributions...brings back great memories of SBF during its golden years...!!

as for TKL n his motely crew...put that in yr panola n smoke on it!!...
"...He has achieved much with hard work and common sense but he has one unfulfilled desire: "I want to have a PhD. I want to be Dr Tan Kin Lian! It's a test."

Of what?

"Of whether I can make it."...
"Tan Kin Lian, 'Just catch me the rat' 147th Prostitute Press, 30 August 1992

I first dealt with TKL about 15 -20 years ago (can't recall exactly when) in soc.culture.singapore before Sam started Sammyboy forum.

What struck me then about TKL was his acute vanity and peacockish narcissm. His seemingly unquenchable thirst for the spotlight and desperate craving for the limelight were as constant as they were shameless.

I can't recall exactly his stupid answer when he was questioned on the ethics of him as CEO of NTUC spending $600, 000 of the cooperative's money on politically partisan RCs for their noticeboards in the 90s. He gave some stupid, forgettable reason/s just as he used to give vacuous replies and just as he used to parrot and vomit out the same, tired PAP's position on nearly every issue that he chose to argue about or comment on.

15-20 years later, we have an older but same old, egotistical Tan Kin Lian vomiting out the same trite replies and rubbish he was vomitting out 15-20 years ago.

Nothing has changed.

This answer he gave in his 1992 interview with the Prostitute Press, perhaps, is an honest indication on why he really wants to run for President. It has nothing to do with the trite, silly and inane rubbish he has been throwing up but everything to do with whether he, Tan Kin Lian, can "make it".

Being President would be Tan Kin Lian's personal and ultimate "test" of whether he can "make it".


This TKL likes personal "test" to see if he can "make it". This is a great way to cover up for a lifelong inferiority complex. Basically a nobody but a well behaved salaryman all his life. Most People with huge shortcomings will pacify themselves and tell the world that they are going to be the President of the United States, Fly to the moon or something BIG. However, tiny Singapore is just too small to screw people around. You cannot just skip town, even when you sneeze, your neighbours will know.


This language can get you in jail, you know.

If I follow your sick logic, Tan Cheng Bock and Tony Tan might be as bad or worse that Tan Kin Lian, but nobody has yet to confront them because they are afraid of PAP? Well done. Who was your teacher in school?

Tell me the name of your true biological father and I will answer your question. As for the jail threat, I have been shivering all day thinking about it! Fuck your mother chao cheebye!


New Member
This is my reply to the author, scroobal.

Several people have asked the question why I decided to contest the Presidential Election and not the General Election, and I have given an honest answer. As you have observed (and so have many other people), I have done so reluctantly, but for the reason that I have stated - to give the voters a wider choice. I assure you that the journey has been very difficult for me personally.

It is all right if you prefer another candidate, but there is no need for you to give a negative interpretation to my statements and engage in a smear on my character. I suggest that you contact me at [email protected] and get the facts or my perspective, before you jump to your conclusions and make your judgement. In any case, if you do have to make a judgement on other people, you should exercise fairness and impartiality.

I also ask you to check with people you know, who may be PAP cadres - but not MPs. They will tell you how much real influence they have in the policy making of the party. In my case, my influence is close to none, in spite of being a cadre for almost 30 years.


Tan Kin Lian made his fortune as CEO of NTUC Income, while Cheng Bock with his numerous chairmanships and board memberships, which he got only because of his PAP status, didn't? Come on.

Cheng Bock with his numerous chairmanships and board memberships?
Surely you are only referring to those that he got fees for, and not those he is on as a volunteer.

Can you list the "numerous" chairmanships and board memberships which he got fees for?


New Member
Granted, all 3 Tans have had links with the PAP in the past. However, with all due respect to TT, TKL is LEAST associated with the PAP, and hence is the best person to act independently in the role of EP. TCB comes in second.

The issue in this EP campaign is not one of who is most financially savvy to protect past reserves. The EP can easily appoint financial wizards (including TT) into the CPA to advise him on such matters. Ths issue is about honesty, fairness and a caring thought for all Singaporeans - in other words a unifying force. Of the 3 Tans, I only see this coming from TKL.


Dear Kinlian,

Welcome, we all shared the same frustrations of having a one party system which do not allow a fair playing field when come to CPF money. Back in the 80s, 25% of your pay goes to CPF is alot of money and now PAP breached their contractual agreement to pay out when you hit 55. Atrocious!

Wish you all the best for this EP voting.

Dear tanwahtiu
Thank you for speaking on my behalf although I do not know you personally. Do send an email to [email protected] and we can have a chat.