Many people have different identities to start with. You may see Png as "opposition party member" but Png may see himself as "good friend of TKL". You have to admit it, it takes two hands to clap.
Ok, this is also where I don't understand why you don't understand. :o
The issue is not about Png, neither is it about you. If Png wants to be associated with TKL, very few people care, at least for now. We will examine him again in 2016 if he is stilll a candidate. Same goes for you. Frankly, don't think it will matter.
The issue now is about the potential presidential candidate.
Why can't he collect the forms himself? This is a little like the petition, do you see? It could be interpreted as saying "I'm above collecting the forms myself" or "I want to see via the petition whether it's worth my time or trouble to contest".
Tony even brought his wife, for pete's sake!
Even if he can't collect himself, why must he ask you and when you couldn't, ask Png? Could he not have asked a family member, relative or friend who is not an opposition party member and recent election candidate? Or at least just say frankly "I want the opposition vote."
Did he ask both of you hoping to get the opposition vote and then writes in his blog that he will not have political affiliation, so that he will get some of the "light pap votes" and not have the senior pappies mad at him? Just be brave and straightforward lah!
The issue for us is not whether u volunteered to get for him or whether Png got it for him as a friend. The issue is why TKL saw the need for an opposition guy to collect the forms. Did he think this would please the opposition supporters? It certainly didn't impress me and many forummers have said the same.
Bro, there is the impression that there is always an angle lah, u see?
Whether it's reality or not, we don't know, because most of us don't know him.