Tan Kin Lian asked a friend to collect the forms. It is just so simply, direct and without any hidden agenda. Unfortunately, it was the netizens that complicate the whole affairs that include bringing up GMS, opposition party member, WP etc. into the picture instead. As I said, it was just unfortunate that Png was available to collect the forms for Tan Kin Lian and that he was associated with WP - but not Tan Kin Lian.
I wonder what will happen if Tan Kin Lian requested a friend, whom was a member ( or former member ) of the ruling party, to collect those forms. I think the netizens will cry foul again. It is really difficult at times to please everyone but in this scenario, a case of " wrong person appearing at a wrong time " instead.
Another one with poor power of comprehension and reasoning.
Do you know why? Again, he is not standing for President.
Too late fuckturd... you came into this forum guns blazing when people were decent enough to ask you honest questions. You don't have to please everyone but certainly don't drive everyone to the opposing side. Suggest you work in the backend for TKL if you are a genuine supporter. You are making things worse for him. Go and distribute flyers or something.
I read that comment "my friend from WP" in the TODAY paper on the report that png collected the forms on his behalf.
i didn't know i would miss this forum so much.
Avidly following thru 7 pages of views,
I am struck by the following:-
(1) The usual characters have stuck true to character ....
sometimes it is less the position they arrive at but more the process in which they form their conclusions.
Others have once suggested I am a sychophantic fan of Scroo.
I am unashamedly a fan - in the sense of I like to read intelligent posts.
But I am my own elephant, while I agree ST is ST warts & all, I do not generally share the vehemance in which Scroo always portrayed them as the Toa Payoh Brothel keepers.... after all, one can always discern & read between the lines even from the official national newspaper.
I see karmabear simply hates Scroo's cocksure attitude. By all means, entitled to your feelings.
Many other intelligent forummers from jw5 to unrepentent, perspective, ir123....
some are gems in their own right with their wit & laconic humor...
At the end of the day, my take is:
It is all in the way one understands & develop a feel for the nuances of human nature - posturing, serving, masquerading, exploiting, compromising while essentially still being untainted at the core etc....
George Yeo is essentially a decent intellectual once Old Man's blue-eye boy & another PM-to-be in his eyes as in the likes of Tony Tan. Unfortunately, age-wise. he is in the same bracket as our respectable LHL.
I am partial towards GY & Teo Chee Hian and amongst the more cogent reasons, is the simple brainless fact that like Tony Tan, GY and TCH, I am also a Josephian.... proud to be one all my life.
Scroo offers not just tantalising tidbits not commonly known, but
you don't have to believe his crap if that's how you see it.
I am always giving Scroo the benefit of the doubt because when he weaves in the context that displays his shrewd understanding & intepretation of human behaviour & motivation, it all largely makes sense.
I patiently read the exchange between GMS & Scroo & GMS & Perspective & the other two who feels this thread is smearing TKL ..... sigh, no wonder GMS however nice guy do not have the cut & may never have the gift of poitical acumen as a Low Thia Khiang.
But madcow, I still salute your idealism & public spiritedness.
To end, some cynic mentioned the futility of it all - the EP is a Frankeinstein creation of a mechanistic-messiahnic PAP belief that logic & reason is all & therefore, based on this deep psychological hangup, is born all the schemes from 'the sophisticated electorate is trying a pressure the govt... therefore maybe some voters should have 2 votes etc etc' (1984) to the implementation of GLC because forget the 'aspirational national pledge', we are all racist at the core & minority's have no chance to tghe economic sphere like GLCs is the way because SMEs are at most PLEs but no way a world class corporation can originate in Spore ... because it doesn't stand to reason blah blah....
This blind righteousness rooted in logic & reason is what led PAP & the electorate to the current disenchantment ....
So in summary guys, be yourselves, believe what you believe & back our beliefs with action or non-action or small actions for a start depending on your conviction, your passion & your resources & circumstances.....
Just be authentic.
Not be like the hypocritical Tan Kin Lian who long ago announce he would only consider running for EP if there is a petition numbering 6 figures.
I promptly lost all respect for him since.
TCB & GY are PAP men once but not sycophants or lose their principled selves. That I can accept. I agree that some are entitled to believe it is better to work from within then tear down & rebuild.
EP .... fucking forget about losing face PAP & hear me, WP MPs, move a motion to strike away the E from EP & revert to the days of a regal Presidency as personified by the likes of Sheares & Wee Kim Wee.
For that to happen if i recall correctly, this constitutional change would require a referendum & hey man, let our respectable leaders learn from the new Singaporean electorate who don't give a shit about serial numbers behind ballots & dare to live up to the PAP-crafted ideal of 'active citizenry' !
Tan Kin Lian did not mentioned " my WP friend " when the news broke out that he is considering to contest in the presidential election. Tan Kin Lian said : " My friend collected the Certificate of Eligibility form for the EP election on my behalf today ".
However, i would like to add that from all the readings I have done...and there are so many postings here. it seems that alot of the forummers heere seem to lack the knowledge of constitutional laws, constitutional practise and political marketing display that some of the named few, such as TCB, TKL and GY had been displaying.
But still I do not detract from my original opinion as it is my personal opinion that the essence of the intent still stands. Reinforced by subsequent knowledge here that Lao Goh was also asked to help pickup the forms.
This guy reminds of a chap who came into this forum to defend his friend who is married to Perm Sec but was caught with a student in JB. He claimed that his friend was helping to teach the student. Get this: teaching a Singapore Uni student in a hotel room in JB. Talk about dedication.
Naturally we screwed the hell out of him. After a few attempts he gave up.
The vast majority of the forummers here are just ordinary citizens who want to vote the best available person to be president of their country.
They are not the ones standing for election.
You must be referring to the stabbing incident in Desaru, which was hotly discussed in the delphi forums several years ago. It had all the ingredients: press blackout, indiscretion in the family of upper echelon, cover-up, "romance", a stabbing, mystery, intrigue, a friend defending the victim, etc. Don't think she was a S'pore uni student, she was just a prc national.
Btw, I'm still waiting for the press to tell us what he was doing there with the woman, why he was stabbed and who the culprit was.
Yes, the best available, not the ideal. Looking for the ideal shall end up in vain, for no one is perfect.
That's the one. It was truly hilarious. The guy claimed to his tennis partner and the girl was indeed a prc girl. We all had a field day.
Very quiet since but the wife was promoted and I understand that she is staunch bible thumper.
So where's Mrs Ow Foong Pheng now? Still in JTC?![]()
So where's Mrs Ow Foong Pheng now? Still in JTC?![]()
Yep that's her. Very quiet. I remember that she was the Dep Sec of MOM and people were suggesting karma as they were losing jobs to FTs.
Yes, the best available, not the ideal. Looking for the ideal shall end up in vain, for no one is perfect.
Out of curiosity, went to SG gov directory to do a search.
She's now "second permanent secretary" at MTI.
Now that Ravi has gone to MAS, why don't they just make her the PS? Getting tired of all these "second" titles.![]()