snake's hissing deleted!
a snake is a snake and always a snake .... LOL

snake's hissing deleted!
Sour grapes emanating from the intellectually dishonest Leetahbar![]()
the crude of the problem is: there isn't enough good men in opp. how even u want the ground to be? even if it's very even, will there be sufficent opp candidate to fight the paps?
Your tirades against Dr Chee has been repetitive. All it does is to give us an insight into your mind.
It will be far more productive if you can detail out the value which you, your political party had already created for singaporeans.
So that voters can compare the values of your political party against that of Dr Chee and thus understand why you feel so superior to him.
It's not the issue of enuf good men/candidates to fight the pappies, it's a matter of whether PAP will allow pluralism and fairness to govern.
If there's press freedom, indepedent Election Commission, etc, then impartiality, transparency and accountabilty will follow. People will stand up to be counted without fear or favour.
what chee is doing so far is trying to make singapore looks bad to the outsiders.
I think you missed the point. It is not about what the PAP will give, but about what the people want, and about what the Opposition wants to achieve for Singapore. If the electoral system is unfair, then speak up about it and challenge it openly.
okay let's assume you are right
he is already down and his party's existence is uncertain, so don't you think it is time to move on (in a far better sense than that used elsewhere)?
and leverage on the enthusiasm and energy of their activists, if they are willing, to make a difference to your own political platform?
Your reply as your previous replies speak volumes. Failure and evasion to answer the critical issues at hand. All you do is reinforce your total bias warped anti-Dr Chee/SDP stand without any substance.
Are you against political pluralism in Singapore?
Are you against transparency and accountability in Singapore?
Are you against a more level playing field in the Singapore electoral system?
Are you against the right to peaceful assembly?
Are you against a reasonably independent free media?
Oh and looks like you are against the above values and principles. Enuff said.
they are the activists performers, i m just an audience and what about you?