if u keep insisting about "personal agenda", then u r already obssessed.
the more appropriate "personal agenda" should be applied to SDP. if they said it's for the peasants, it would be easier to believe that they are NOT.
what about your own "personal agenda"? do u endorse chee's doing?
i don't and never will becos i can see through his personal agenda.
LOL!! and u really miss me!!![]()
PS. As for Dr Chee and SDP, I am always glad to share my thoughts on this and any other topic that takes my interest (that in fact is my "agenda" in this forum). I have all along said that I generally agree with Dr Chee's principles with regards democracy, pluralism, checks and balances and accountability etc. However where I depart from him is on political strategy/tactics, the mode/methods. Look Dr Chee may have some negative aspects about him, heck who doesn't we are all human and not infallible, but I believe that at the end of the day he is pro Singapore and pro Singaporean.
at the end of the day, dr chee IS NOT for singaporean. he shall only be there if there is a situation where he thinks he can exploit it to stir up peasants' emotion - their anger and displeasure especially and hopefully to instigate and motivate that to go against the gov.
chee's intention is to see the ruin of the gov. after that he can joyfully pack up and emigrate to his standby refuge in taiwan.
chee's intention is to see the ruin of the gov. after that he can joyfully pack up and emigrate to his standby refuge in taiwan.![]()
Care to substantiate your bald claims?
does his antics resemble taiwanese styled politicking hooliganism?
has any singaporeans benefitted from his regular public clowning? it wasted public resources and offerred nothing positive nor constructive. however, the damage it unwittingly created might compelled more to sway towards paps than other opp parties.
If you were reasonable, fair and objective, then you would have acknowledged that Dr Chee/SDP played some part (direct, indirect or otherwise) in getting PAP to liberalise Hong Lim Park. Same goes for PAP's other political liberalisation moves. It is a pull, push dynamic tension in society to liberalise Singapore society with numerous factors at play and Dr Chee/SDP appears to be one of the factors (how large or small a factor influence I do not know but it is patently clear that he/it are a factor in some form or other).
As for the purported negative effect on the Oppos in general, if this is really true ( which I seriously doubt) than the electorate are brainless morons as each Oppo party stands on its own credibility and integrity, there is no one single Oppo coalition.
I agree, there is no effect on others. Hong Lim Park was Chee's effort.
I agree, there is no effect on others. Hong Lim Park was Chee's effort.
when someone keeps getting arrested,jailed or fined, many would think that the gov is really after his ass. if u would to leap a step backward, the reason is obvious. that someone is dying to be arrested, jailed or fined so that with such eventual consequences, he would have proven that "the gov were indeed out to get him".
however, repeating it so often has already numbed the peasants and beginning to get into their nerves. it pisses most off and it backfires on the one who's intention has always been to get arrested, jailed or fined.
gabramen has long liberated SPEAKER'S CORNER. they are making it easier now.
The fact that you cannot give even give a little bit of credit to Dr Chee and SDP when it is clear that at least some credit is due, speaks volumes. You are just plain intellectually dishonest, Leetahbar![]()
gabramen has long liberated SPEAKER'S CORNER. they are making it easier now.
DISHONEST is a term bestowed to chee by the old man. chee didn't sue him. u can say that again.![]()
gabramen has long liberated SPEAKER'S CORNER. they are making it easier now.
DISHONEST is a term bestowed to chee by the old man. chee didn't sue him. u can say that again.