Please... Actions!!! Don't keep on talking until the hole grows so BIG!!!
Youre a real fooktard.
Action = vote. Now its up to us to convince the other 60.1% fooktards.
May you burn in hell.
Please... Actions!!! Don't keep on talking until the hole grows so BIG!!!
what is Swiss standard?
Nobody really knows. That's why it's impossible to prove or disapprove whether Singapore has actually achieved it.
Wooden Goh knows. Ask him.
He says it has already been surpassed.
Unfortunately, the 60.1% don't agree with you. Kudos to you for staying behind and "fight". Like I've said before, for me life is too short. I want to do things that I want now. I want my kids to grow up in an environment that is better. And when I said environment I don't just mean the physical things you can see. I don't see this happening in Singapore anytime soon or in my life.....
ah woodrow oredi called u names - quitta ... ah loon wud b happy 2 c ur back if u r past 40 as there is no mor jus 2 squiz from u ...... Goh Chok Tong is not stopping u neither is Lee Hsien Loong ...
I think that many of the 60.1% are ready for some change. Or rather they are being forced to decide on survival vs being made redundant by the hordes of foreigners.
Sidetrack a bit..I was a neutral party like u until few yrs ago I started to be anti-pap when my job was taken by FTs. I managed to get a job quick enough but at a 40% depressed rate else the employer will write me off with a FT. Whereas some of my cohorts ended up as taxi drivers. I am not asking for Swiss std of living, just a normal living similar to the mid 80s to late 90s. I worked hard to pay off my home. However the balance of my cpf is being leegally robbed by the gov. At a point in my life, I lost my job during a retrenchment exercise. As I just joined the co. not long enough I did not get any compensation. During the period of unemployment, I went to attend a WDA training briefing. I was told that the course fee is heavily subsidized by gov., yet the payable cash amount was upto $3k, and cpf cannot be used for this training. Tell me, when someone already lost their job, you still expect them to cough up $3k for that ? I went to speak to my MP, and was told that they will consider on that in future, to allow pple like me to utilize cpf for ther studies.
To course and swear at the MP will get me into jail as I mentioned to u before. To move out of this country, I have to consider about my family, friends and many more factors especially on the financial portion. Hence I am stuck in this deterioting cuntry. All I can do is to wait for the next round of election.Hence once a while I will just come here to kpkb a bit to relieve some stress.
HK14K, you have exposed your ignorance. A classic twit.
Indeed everyone got a choice....just like when they cast the ballot paper every GE.
But I never agree with the retort 'not happy then leave'.
Why should born and breed sinkies leave? Vile pappies running this country to the ground should leave instead.
Human race....that's very profound. If only more share your views then we can all be like Lennon singing without religion color or creed. Without the need to battle the vile pappies.
I'm only rebutting those who call for unhappy sinkies to leave that why not pappies leave instead.
Every sinkie has a right to stay....from either camps....stay and fight.
Pappies would love for every anti pap sinkie to leave....those who are still here...dun give them the prize so easily.
History will be re-written to correct the propaganda put out by the PAP for decades. They didn't make the country, you give them too much credit.
Like what you mentioned, many are afraid to venture out. Becoz they are afraid, they blamed the govt??? Moving or venturing out doesn't mean you have to migrate.
Youre a real fooktard.
Action = vote. Now its up to us to convince the other 60.1% fooktards.
May you burn in hell.