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Suki Restaurant located at Balestier Plaza Serves expired lobster sushi


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jul 24, 2008
Posted on 21 Jun 2010
Sushi restaurant serves expired lobster sushi and provides bad service


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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STOMPer Raymond Ang was not only displeased with Suki Sushi, a Japanese restaurant, for serving plates of bad lobster sushi, but also with the company's delayed response to this issue.

He said:

"On June 7, around 7pm, I went to Suki Restaurant located at Balestier Plaza with two of my friends.

"I ordered four plates of lobster salad sushi. Initially the first two plates of sushi were still edible, but the third plate tasted rather weird. When I tried the fourth plate, it still tasted funny, and my friend who then tried it, said it had already expired.

"I called for the manager on duty, who came and cleared the plate of lobster salad sushi quickly.

"However, they did not provide any follow-up customer service. So I called Suki group sushi the next day, and was told that they will get back to me within two weeks time.

"It has since been two weeks and there are no news from them. I called them again and they told me that they are investigating. I was actually hoping for an assurance that they are still investigating.

"Nevertheless, I will still return to Suki Sushi, but I hope that they will improve on their customer service."