It's bad for other religions Christians especially when world leaders downplay their issues and suffering whereby the perpetrators get away Scott free. Whereas it's made worse when the Catholics have an Islamic pope tat does not even protect and speak out for them. If the Catholics leave the church, I will sympathise with them. And wat have the pope said about the recent bombings?Bet you won't see any mainstream news write such an article.
Muslims are forbudden to kill nor use violence mindlessly
2:190 You shall confront in the path of God against those who confront against you - and there shall be no aggression. Indeed God – He dislikes those who are aggressive. 2:191 And you shall confront them wherever you are confronted - and expel them from wherever they expel you - and slandering is worse than fighting. And do not confront them by the sanctioned consented decrees - unless they confront you in it. Therefore, when they confront you - you must confront them. That would be the just response for those who do not trust. 2:192 Thus - if they refrain - then, God is forgiver – merciful. 2:193 And you must confront them until there is no more slandering. And the orderly way of life is for God alone. Therefore if they refrain - thus there shall be no more hostility - except over those who are unjust.
Ban mudslimes is the best. They are the world's no 1 producer of terrorismReligions... The ultimate cause of divisions and sectarian terrorism. Ban all religions. Best.
Religions... The ultimate cause of divisions and sectarian terrorism. Ban all religions. Best.
Not Islam. Just look at whos the sponsor of terrorism? Whos the warmonger...coming from the horses mouth. Is xtian USA.
Bet you won't see any mainstream news write such an article.
And yet it is Mudslimes that carry out the terrorists activities.
2:194 wear Suicide vest
2:195 Take train to designated location
2:196 blow yourself the fuck up
Facts are facts when terrorism is committed by mudslimes and in the name of Islam. If these terrorist have nothing to do with Islam, than mudslimes can always call for a jihad against these terrorist or extremists. But till date nothing worthwhile has been done by mudslimes to eliminate terrorism. So make me wonder where the sympathys of the mainstream mudslimes lay.Go read my post again. If u dont understand my post/english, kindly skip my post.
Let them slug it out
Now its christians turn to attack the mosques. Make it a big prominent mosque. Snd mske sure the clerics are targeted.
Then its the muslims turn to........
Atheist,budhist, and rotw can sit on the sideline and watch.
Facts are facts when terrorism is committed by mudslimes and in the name of Islam. If these terrorist have nothing to do with Islam, than mudslimes can always call for a jihad against these terrorist or extremists. But till date nothing worthwhile has been done by mudslimes to eliminate terrorism. So make me wonder where the sympathys of the mainstream mudslimes lay.
It's happening now that is important. And it has to be stopped now. 40 years ago in Singkieland, m&ds were never uptight about halal this and that and minahs seldom wear a veil. Now Minah means wear veil. So it's mudslimes that have become fundamentalist. So one step leads to another.U also have to ask this question. Why such terrorist act doesnt occurred lets say 40 years ago?
Go ahead and ignore. U can't deny those facts so start to bs your way out. Like a typical mudslime. Remember terrorist are 100% mudslimeGo read and goggle lah. Instead of blah blah blah. Sometime i also dont know why i am replying ur post. Must try to ignore ur post
It's happening now that is important. And it has to be stopped now. 40 years ago in Singkieland, m&ds were never uptight about halal this and that and minahs seldom wear a veil. Now Minah means wear veil. So it's mudslimes that have become fundamentalist. So one step leads to another.
Go ahead and ignore. U can't deny those facts so start to bs your way out. Like a typical mudslime. Remember terrorist are 100% mudslime
Yes right, blame the USA. And yet when Saddam Hussein murdered his own ppl. Mudslimes keep quiet. The Iran Iraq war, what were mudslimes doing? And if ME is in a mess it's bcos it's leaders made it so. Don't blame the USA. Blame your own kind. And where are the Christians and Jews in the middle East?U have to ask ur xtian USA to stop meddling ME countries. If US stop the killing....i am very sure extremists will go away. US next target IRAN. So u dont come here kpkb again.
What do the radical islamist terrorists want to achieve by killing innocent people ?